Chapter 1 The Black Forest

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Hey Guys,

Here is my first chapter of 'The Dark Guardian Series'. I am posting it up as I write it, so chapter by chapter, that means it has not been edited as of yet. Sorry for any errors. I have said this in the intro, but I will say it again, this is for mature audiences. Thank you so much for reading!

Song-Into The Wild-Agent Side Grinder

I could not force myself to look. He was beyond the glass, I could feel him beyond the glass. One look in those eyes would ignite the same terror I had felt that night; that terrible night. My fingers began to tremble as I stood in front of the glass. A group of men were lined up in a row, each with a number above their heads.

"Miss Perez," the detective said as he moved towards the glass. He paused, choosing his words cautiously. "I know this is hard for you." My eyes averted his as I stared at the muted tiles over the floor. I could not look and I now felt my eyes burning with the memories for that night.

"We need you to identify him." the detective continued and I felt his hand reaching out for me, but I pulled away before his hand could graze my shoulder.

"Please don't touch me." my voice came out sullen-injured- as I moved away from the man. I did not allow people to touch me anymore.

"Of course." he said gently and took a step back from me. Erratic heartbeats filled my body, pumping the blood too quickly and I sucked in a gulp of air before looking. My eyes flicked up for only a moment, looking over the men the police had selected for me. They were testing me, as if I could ever forget his a face. That face. I found him directly in the middle of the line, ash blonde hair fell over his tanned face creating a shadow for those eyes. Those dead eyes, they bore no humanity, he was a monster. And I would never forget those eyes. I could still smell his hot breath stinging my face, I could still feel his rough hands ripping through my layers, exposing me in ways that made my soul decay.

"Number 7," I said and looked away, focusing upon the tiled floor again. The detective moved to the far side of the room, leaving me there in front of the glass window.

"He cannot see me," I muttered to myself as the detective's voice sprang over my own, but I could barely hear him through my foggy thoughts.

"May I leave now?" I asked with my eyes still fixed on the floor. There was no reply. "I would like to go home."

My back became rigid and I wondered if he had left the room. I lifted my eyes up towards the back of the room and my breath loomed deep in my lungs. I was alone.

"Detective Stone?" I nearly whispered the man's name and noticed that not only had the detective disappear but so did the door. The panic was always like a swift plague for me, and soon my heart beats drummed so quickly that I could feel the blood surging through my veins with every beat. Where was the door? This was not right? Doors don't disappear like that. My brain ached and spun, but all of my thoughts ended when I heard his voice.

"Come on sweetheart," a rasping voice echoed through the room. He was talking to me, just like he did that night he dragged me away from everything I was. The night he lay over me, stealing from my soul.

Don't look. Do not look. I told myself.

Everything around me seemed to swirl into a blackness and I swear the room had suddenly changed. Where was I? My heartbeats vibrated through my ears now and my lungs hardened, I could not breath.

"Don't be afraid." the voice rumbled again and I looked up. I looked up and I saw him. He was no longer standing along the wall and I felt my breath leave me like a ghost leaves a body. A scream clung inside my chest but I could not release it. Dead eyes stared back at me, he was right up against the glass. He wasn't suppose to see me, they promised he wouldn't see me. My mind flooded and my eyes burned. His breath created circles of condensation over the glass, he saw me. His eyes foamed with the same feral intent that he had worn that night. His dark blond hair created shadowy lines over his eyes making him look more like a predator. I had always been the prey. I screamed. I screamed so loud that the glass around me began to shake. His dead eyes swirled until they were pitch black, almost making him look like he had empty sockets instead of eyes. Then he began pounding on the glass. He pounded and pounded with his strong fist. My voice sunk back inside me, swimming with my terror as I watched the large man attempt to claw his way to me. To break the glass, he wanted me just as he did that night.

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