8. Her Smile

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The next day just as Kyle promised he did meet me but not at my locker but at my door.

"Hi, ready to go to school?" He smiled brightly.

"Oh, Kyle come in, have you eaten breakfast yet?" Aunt Carrie came up from behind me, smiling at Kyle.

He looked at me and then back at aunt Carrie, "actually, mom made me eat a lot of pancakes and I'm stuffed. But thank you for the invite."

I looked back to aunt Carrie and waved at her to tell her that I was going.

I went over to Kyle's car knowing the guy would never let me walk to school ever again. He followed behind and waved at aunt Carrie before getting in the car.

I got in the car as well and he began to drive.

"Yay, school time." His voice was full of sarcasm as he glanced at me.

After that it was silent in the car and not the silence where you have music playing in the background to keep the silence comfortable. It was the type of silence where you really want to fart and you don't even have the low volume music to drown it out. In other words, it was awkward.

After a whole three years of not talking to each other, we were both a bit uncomfortable around each other.

Kyle kept glancing at me and it became even more awkward. He coughed and I saw the school building approaching and I was grateful for it.

Kyle drove into the school parking lot and parked his car at an empty parking space close to the school building.

I got out of the car followed by Kyle and we began our way inside the school building to our lockers.

Kyle's locker was a bit far from my locker so he waved at me and went to his locker leaving me standing in front of mine.

I opened the metal door and took my books out.

"Hi!" Someone shouted in my ear startling me and I wanted to knock that someone.

I looked to my right to know who shouted in my ear and found Clayton with a wide grin on his face. Allison and Josh were shaking their hands behind a grinning Clayton.

"I'm sorry Hayden for this brute's behavior." Josh slapped Clayton's arm and Clayton pouted while rubbing his arm.

I looked around the three people to see where Claire was. I didn't know why but I wanted her to be here too.

"Okay. I'm back." I heard Kyle say from behind me which caused the three to look behind me with confused looks.

"What're you doing here?" Clayton pointed towards Kyle with his eyes squinted.

"I go here." Kyle answered while slapping away Clayton's finger.

"You're Jordan's friend so you better leave Hayden alone before I make you." Clayton had now gotten in Kyle's face.

"I'd like to see you try." Kyle challenged with a smirk.

I sighed and waited for Josh or Allison to stop the two from fighting, who were trying to make Clayton move away from Kyle.

"I get to school late only once, and a full out war is about to happen without me." We all turned our heads towards the source of the voice.

I felt my heart rate pick up, and I could feel my heart occasionally skip beats while looking at the one and only Claire.

Why does she make me feel this way?

"It was all Kyle's fault, he was bullying Hayden. I was helping out my friend." Clayton gave his side of the story to Claire, to which I rolled my eyes. And that didn't go unnoticed by the grayish-eyed girl.

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