4. Smirks

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Since Monday, Claire had been annoying me with notes, pokes, talking and don't forget the smirking. Top of the list, was smirking.

If she saw me in class, she smirked, if she saw me in the cafeteria, she smirked. She even smirked at me when I was in the girls' bathroom.

She and her friend also kept asking me to sit with them at lunch and I kept declining as in walking away from them. But I had to admit, Claire was really persistent.

She didn't know when to give up.

It's Thursday today and Jordon hadn't bullied me yet. It's quite shocking. I skipped school for two days because aunt Carrie wasn't allowing me to go to school with huge bruises on my body that hurt like hell.

I sighed knowing that I would get a good beating after school again.

"Why are you sighing so much?" A voice woke me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look behind me and there sat the one and only Claire Brown. She had a smirk on her face as usual.

I turned back forward. It was fourth period with Ms. Evans who taught English.

'More like gibberish.'

Ms. Evans was a great teacher but she's old and she couldn't talk right. I always got good grades in her class so I just slept through her class.

I was about to put my head on my arms when I was poked from behind. I looked back and saw Claire giving me an innocent look and then pointing to her friend who sat beside her.

Her friend opened her eyes wide and hit Claire's shoulders to which Claire just pouted. Her friend again turned to me and said sorry with blushing red cheeks.

I felt like I knew this girl from somewhere. I just couldn't remember from when.

I kept staring at the girl who began fidgeting in her seat. She had her eyes on her desk with a blush still lingering on her face.

"I think you have found a liking for Allison." Claire said out of nowhere again breaking my train of thoughts.

I turned my gaze towards Claire and took notice to the name she had just said.


I've heard that name before. But where? Or the better question being when?


I made my way towards the outdoor lunch table. It was better than the cafeteria. Peace and quiet. Only a few students ate outside the cafeteria and one of them was me.

I had bought a simple chicken sandwich and a juice box. Still deep in thought I took a seat and started eating my sandwich slowly.

I was trying to remember Allison but I came up short. I didn't know why I was focusing so much on this Allison.

"Thanks for saving us some seats."

I looked up and to my surprise saw Claire with the rest of her friends. Allison was with her and the other two guys too.

Claire sat down beside me followed by Allison on my other side. The two guys sat across from us. I didn't have any idea as to what was happening. But I guess I wasn't the only one. Claire's other friends were also clueless as to why they were here.

"So how was P.E, Josh?" Claire broke the silence. Awkwardness was dripping from the atmosphere around us. Josh laughed awkwardly and glanced at me. I think that was the signal for me to get up and leave.

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