Taco Bell and hangovers DON'T mix

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I woke up the next day with a hangover.

It happens every little bit.

The blankets were half on the floor, half on my bed.


I had no clothes on.

Nothing far out of the ordinary.

I felt...amazing and tingly...in certain places...

I do it every once in a while.

Someone rolled over and put their arm around me.

Not normal! That is not fucking normal!

Hoping that I was still dreaming, I pinched my wrist, but unfortunately felt it. Scared, I rolled over slowly and saw Mercedes' face three inches away from mine. "Shit..." I whispered to myself and got out of bed without alerting Mercedes. I put on some pyjama pants and a tank top quietly, before heading toward my closed door.

I exited my room and immediately felt the effects of my excessive drinking the night before. Not the feeling I had in my basement, the negative stuff like:

Nausea and stomach aches.

I quickly ran into my bathroom, holding my stomach in pain. I fell onto my knees and began puking.

And it hurt.

A lot.

As I stopped puking, my headache set in. I slowly rubbed my fingers over my temples in an attempt to sooth it, but it only made the headache worse. As I rubbed my head, I felt really tired and dizzy, so much that I felt like I was going to faint.

As I puked some more, I felt a bead of sweat fall from my scalp.

"Senia?" Mercedes' beautiful voice called out. "Are you okay?" She asked as she reached the door to the bathroom. I made a weird sound that was a mix between a groan and a no. She entered the bathroom, wearing just pyjama pants and a bra, and blocked her nose. "Oh my god, Corona may be good, but holy shit does it smell bad when it comes back out."

"I think it's the mix of that and the Taco Bell." I managed to reply between breaths. She smiled.

That god damned smile. It wasn't even a full smile, it was basically her extending the corner of her mouth. But god damn, I just liked her face.

That was some weird wording.

She walked up to me and rubbed my back. I wiped my mouth and tried standing up. I held onto the marble sink and pushed myself up. I stood up straight and left the washroom while holding my head. I laid down on the couch and immediately felt like falling asleep.

"I'm never drinking again." I said in a groggy voice. She sat down on the couch, and I put my head on her lap. She started playing around with my hair. "We got so drunk..."

"You got so drunk. I had less than half of what you had." She told me, and I immediately doubted it. "I was drunk, but not as drunk as you." She stopped playing with my hair, and started rubbing my shoulder. I put my hand on the lock of hair the was playing with and realized that she turned it into a way more complicated version of a braid. "I have really bad alcohol tolerance."

"Well you were drunk enough to have sex with me." I said, and I heard and felt her scoff.

"You're the one who had sex with me." She corrected. "I originally didn't want to, but you somehow convinced me to. And it was pretty good. Better than what my three years ex girlfriend gave me."

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