Chapter Twenty-Nine--Krialle

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

We arrived at Velia as soon as we could. The demons had already come. Castle Velia had not been harmed, but the surrounded houses were demolished.

Even before we got into the shore, I felt a prickle of fear run up my spine. I noticed how dark the sky looked. As if it was doomsday.

A person walked forward. I prepared myself to feel that stream of magic flow through me. I was prepared to kill the king.

"Come out of the shadows, King Davi!"

I heard a laugh, and a figure stepped forward. It was not King Davi.

It was Prince Artair.

"Oh, we're you expecting my father?" Artair said in his charming way. "I did manage to convince Merek and Lucia that it was all him. I used the glamour to look like him. No one even suspected me. Except, at the end, your brother started to. So, naturally, I had to kill him."

Tears started to run down my face.

"I knew you were the Enchanta from the start, Lady Fendway," Artair sneered. "All those times I wanted to rip off your head, but my friends told me to wait."

"Friends?" I cried. "Artair, demons are not your friends!"

"Don't call me that," the prince seethed. "I am king."

"No," I taunted. "Your father is."

"My father is dead!" His voice cracked slightly at the end.

"See?" I said. "You are only bringing destruction."

Artair roared. "I will bring you destruction!"

He started toward me.

I held out my hands. "Don't do this, Artair!"

He smiled wickedly. "You have no power before me."

I tried to remember that feeling of magic. I turned around and nodded at the Enchanters. They began to channel their power towards me. I could feel it fill me up.

"Look out!" I heard a voice cry. It was Liam. He jumped in front of me and deflected a blow from Artair. He saved my life.

A few others stepped forward to help. Coten, a couple faeries, and Nimue. I'd made Jax go with Laurel. The Enchanters focused on channeling their power.

"Evelin," Nimue said. "Try to focus on channeling the Enchanters' power. We'll hold him off."

But an army of shadowy warriors appeared behind Artair. "You cannot do that alone," Artair laughed.

"Perhaps not on their own," said a different voice. It was Sam, and an army of bandits, all prepared for battle. "But we are here to help them."

The bandits let out a battle cry.

I knew the bandits were expert fighters. I closed my eyes and focused on the magic.

It was like a stream of silver was being poured into my head, my heart, my limbs. I focused on that silvery steam, letting it surround me. But I didn't let it overtake me. I was in control.

A sudden heat made me open my eyes. Coten was engulfed in fire, as the shadowy warriors kept coming. I remembered Coten telling me what happens when a troll didn't control their flame.

The Forbidden Lands (Wattys 2015 Winner)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz