Chapter Nineteen-Castle Velia

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Chapter Nineteen

I glanced at my leather book beside me. It didn't seem like much, but this book was priceless among humans. I picked it up and leafed through my research. I had put it in sections: trolls, merrow, elves, stiria, faeries, and other creatures. With the watercolors the merrow had given me, the pages were colorful and interesting. I wished my scribbled handwriting was better.

The carriage lurched, and I hit my head on the other side. The velvet was soft, but I still rubbed my head. Then, I looked out the window. I was awed by the beauty and majesty of Velia, the capital. The castle loomed on a hill above the city. A narrow cobblestone path led through the villages and to the castle. Too many people crowded the streets. 

"I can't take you any further, miss," the driver said. "I'll 'ave to let you off 'ere."

I paid the man and hopped off the carriage, grabbing my luggage before the driver rode off. The town was more lively than anything. After my time in the Forbidden Lands, the noise and boisterousness was welcome.

I meandered through people and past carts. Castle Velia was beautiful. It was high on a mountain, and the city surrounding it was the safest in Krialle. In order to get to the castle, one had to go across an escalating stone bridge from a hill to Velia Mountain. I followed the main road to the stone bridge. Below, a rocky ridge loomed, with a trickle of a river far below. If I fell off, I'd surely die. With that happy thought, I ran across the bridge to Velia.

The main road led me to the surrounding wall of the castle. The guards opened the gates for me once I showed my family's coat of arms, which was displayed on my satchel. I felt a thrill of excitement once inside the castle walls. I asked the guards for audience with the king. They denied me. Twice.

"Please," I begged. "I've met the royal family before. They would like to see me."

"No," the guard in charge said, the same way he said it the two times before.

"I'm from the Fendway family," I said.

A man walked past and saw me. He pushed through the guards. "Miss E. Fendway!" he said. "Do you remember me?"

I blushed. "Yes, Your Highness." It was the prince!

"Call me Prince Artair. Or just Artair. All my friends do."

I bit back a smile. He considered me a friend! "Yes," I said, then bit my lip nervously. "Artair," I tried it out, and loved his name on my lips.

He smiled again. "Exactly!" He turned around and frowned at the guards, hands on hips. "Why did you not allow Miss Fendway in? She is a dear family friend! Her brother is a war hero!"

I looked smugly at the guards as Artair led me past them. They glowered.

"Artair?" I said. He turned and looked at me, nodding for me to go on. "I need to see your father on an important matter." I clutched the handle on my bag, where I'd put my book.

He tipped his head to the side a bit. "Why don't you just tell me?"

"It's extremely important. You can be there when I tell your father. In fact, it would be a great to have the support."

He frowned. "Very well. You can probably meet with him tomorrow morning. I'll talk to him. But right now, would you like to take a walk in the gardens?"

I looked down at my luggage. My arms were getting tired. Artair understood. "You are tired, I see. I'll find you a room to rest in. Tomorrow, early, we'll go riding together, yes?"

I nodded enthusiastically. "I'd like that."

Artair took my luggage from me. His hand brushed mine and I blushed. I followed him down different hallways and up staircases, until we arrived in front of a door. He set down my bag and opened the door. "You can stay here."

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