Chapter eight!

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Zuhaiba looked at the flowers in the garden and smiled.It had been three months since the incident took place.Umme Zuhaiba had been a great support to her,she had helped her heal but Zuhaib......

Since then not once had he taken her to bed,yes they had shared a bed and he had kissed her on her forehead since then but that was it.Zuhaiba knew why,he was giving her time to heal while his wounds were still still open and bleeding.He blamed himself and she knew this from what had taken place a few weeks ago........


Zuhaiba walked to Zuhaib's office and was about to knock when she heard him scream at whoever was in the office.


Zuhaiba's hand stopped midway and she lowered it to hear her fathers reply.

"It's not your fault son.Don't blame yourself for something which the Lord planned out."

"I understand abi but what if I had been there maybe then just maybe I would have been able to prevent that from happening.Maybe I could have saved our child."

"Son the Lord is the best of planners and maybe something better is written in your destiny as well as Zuhaiba's."

"Abi,I'm going away for sometime so that my guilt will maybe get less and Zuhaiba will get time to heal."

"Don't you think it would be better if you stayed her and helped her heal,you both could heal together?"

"No abi and maybe she will be able to heal better without me being here after all who am I to her but just a way to save her tribe.

Zuhaiba had not heard the rest as she had gone back to her room and flung herself onto her bed,crying.


Zuhaiba got up and walked around the private garden,her mind and heart in turmoil.She loved him then and she still loves him and heart knew this but her mind argued.He was her sisters husband before he was her's but he had wanted to marry her and she had gotten married to him.He was returning today after almost two months of separation and heartbreak.Zuhaiba closed her eyes and seemed help from her Lord and asked him.

"Oh my Rabb,you know the condition of this servant of your's.Send me your help,how can I fix this relationship that I have almost broken?How do I fix the heart of my husband who thinks himself to be at fault?"

She opened her eyes and made her way inside,she read the midday prayer and laid down on the bed,which only felt comfortable when shared it with her husband.She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


A beautiful scent hit her and she looked around,in front of her was a field of flowers different in colour,simple yet beautiful.As she got up a pair of hands clamped her back down onto a hot,muscular chest and when she looked up at the face he smiled down at her.She smiled back and he spoke.

"I love you khalilah."

"I love you too,habib."


Zuhaiba woke up,her heart and mind both now knowing what to do.When she looked at the clock she realised there was only two hours left for Zuhaib to return.She got up and took a bubble bath before drying herself off and wearing a towel gown.She blow dried her hair and went into the walk in closet taking out a bag stashed right in the corner.In the bag were almost sheer nightgowns.She picked a baby pink coloured one and wore it.

She went back into the room and started lighting the candle stands that stood in corner of the room and on the dressing table.She wore an abaya on top of the nightgown and tied her scarf on before going downstairs to call one of the servants.She ordered the servant to bring her a basket of roses that were kept for the decoration of the rooms on festivals.The servant brought it along with a plate of food for her.She thanked her and went upto the room.

She put the plate on the table and decorated the floor with a rose heart.She took off her abaya and closed the balcony doors,she switched off the lights.She heard the door open and she stood by the balcony doors,looking at the room door,waiting.

Zuhaib got out of the car and hugged his mother who smiled at her son.They spoke as they entered the palace and he grew nervous.Umme Zuhaib sensed this and touched his shoulder.He looked at her.

"Zuhaib her wounds have healed now meet her.She has been waiting for you.By leaving her you have broken her heart now go and heal together.The Lord only helps you when you help yourself."

Saying the is she walked away and he walked up the stairs to their rooms.He entered it and walked to the rooms but slowly.Guilt filled him and he cursed himself.He left when she needed him the most even when he phoned her they both were distant.When he reached the door his hands felt heavy and sweaty as he reached for the doornob. 

When he opened the door he was shocked to see her standing in a sheer nightgown and looking at him.The look on her face made his heart skip a few beats.He was about to speak but she beat him.

"A few years ago I made a mistake that separated us.No matter what I say it will never make up for the mistake that I made.Since we got married I tried to hold my heart back and not give it to you again thinking that you belonged to her.I forgot that what you give you can't take back,I already gave you my heart how could I have had it.The words that I was afraid to speak always showed no matter what I did and I feared if I said it again I'd break myself more.I was selfish thinking about myself only and not worrying about my other half.I forgot that marriage is not only about one person but about two people who meet in heart,soul and body.Its about two people who not only love one another but also understand one another."

All this while she walked towards him and when she reached him,she looked into his eyes and spoke those words which he thought he'd never hear.

"I love you Zuhaib.I loved you then,I love you now and I will always love you Zuhaib."

He pulled her into her arms until her head was under his chin.She hugged him back and rested her head against his heart.He pulled her in front of him and looked at her.She kept her hands on his biceps.

"Repeat what you said."

"I love you habib.I love you."

He kissed her and pulled back.

"I love you too."

He carried her bridal style and laid her onto the bed,his body covering her own as he laid on top of her and kissed her passionately.She kissed him back and twined her hands around his neck.

This was the union of two bodies,two minds,two souls and most of all two lovers.As their bodies twined together and their heart raced together they both knew this was for eternity and even after that.

As they lay afterwards her head on his chest and their eyes closed.Their bodies wrapped together forever.


Thank you everyone once again for the 1 K+ reads.

The pic on the top describes the last moment perfectly just imagine Zuhaiba without the head gear.

Thank you everyone.

Fi Amanilah

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