Chapter 39: Curiosity killed the Cat

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The whole day was slow and boring. The kids went home before I woke up, so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. Since I woke up around one, I decided to go for a run instead.

The weather channel is warning us about a storm, and a very high chance of heavy rain which will be very new in this city. Jen has been in her room talking to Ian the whole day and Heath has also been in his room doing what not.

Nobody came down for dinner so I just cooked myself some pasta. It's around ten now and I'm currently working out in their gym.

I haven't strictly worked out in a while so I'm going all out tonight. I don't know what to expect at the meeting tonight, but all I know is; it's not going to be good.

I'm currently punching the lifeless punching bag hanging from the ceiling. "Whow, whats got you working so hard?" I hear Heath's voice behind me.

I steady the bag before I turn around to face him. He was wearing a black t-shirt under his black leather jacket and black pants to match it all. "Adrenaline." I reply.

Heath hands me a fresh towel along with my water bottle. I wipe my face with the towel before taking the water bottle from him. I drank the refreshing water all in one go. "So where are you heading out to?" I ask crossing my arms feeling a little self conscious, because I was only wearing a pair of Nike sport shorts and a sports bra. My scars were returning because the self tan was fading off.

"What makes you think I'm going out?" He asks smirking.

I was about to answer when my head starts spinning. I open my eyes wide, but I see two Heaths standing in front of me. I stumble forward and feel his arms slip around my waist. "What the.." I couldn't finish as my head started to feel heavy.

"I'm so sorry Princess." I hear Heath whisper into my ear before carrying me in his arms bridal style. I wanted to protest. I wanted to scream. I wanted to follow him. I wanted to help him. But all I did, was get pulled into a deep and dark sleep.


I gasp as I wake up in a panic. What the fuck happened?! I look at the scattered bed sheets. I was in my room at Jen's house.

I was in the gym.. Heath gave me a towel and water... Fucking ass whole spiked my water?! I grab my phone and check the time. Eleven twenty five.

I put my phone down and run into the closet. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. I leave my hair in its messy waves.

I grab my phone and wait for it to track down Heath's. After a few seconds, it tracks his phone at UCLA. He's on campus?

I don't waist another second as I quietly run down the stairs and down to the parking. I decide not to take my car just incase anyone recognizes it. I grab a random key off the board of keys and press its button. Heath's motorcycles light flashes and I run up to it.

I immediately start it and start driving towards campus.

I stopped a few streets away from campus just so they don't hear me. I run the rest of the way. I walk onto campus and see Heath standing at the garden where we had made our bet. Why does everything wrong happened here?! I sneak behind one of the trees without getting noticed, but what I did notice scared me.

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper yell.

"Me?! What are you doing here?!" Jen whisper yells.

"I'm here for Heath."

"So am I." Jen states.

"So you knew?" I ask.

"Heath's bad at hiding things." Jen states. We both avert our eyes to the person walking up to Heath. He didn't look too old almost as old as us. He wore a jean jacket and baggy blue pants. The wind was much more stronger on this part of the state so I had to hold my hair out of my vision.

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