Chapter 2

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My music blares through my ears as my eyes follow word for word reading one of my favourite books The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

My day wasn't that productive. After everything happened, I went looking for the office. I got there approximately twenty minutes later. Mr. Jenkins, the principal, was pretty welcoming. He even took some time out of his busy schedule to introduce me to Mrs. Larsen, the girl's basketball coach. She conveyed the impression of being very nice, but I won't judge her by a brief meeting. I'll wait until practice to see how she actually is.

Next, I walked around campus trying to find my classes. I have computer science, history and English this semester. All the classes were pretty close to each other, so I should have no trouble getting around tomorrow.

Jen showed up a little while ago, apologizing for her brother, and also congratulated me on my confidence. She felt really sorry about not being able to show me around, because she had a party to go to tonight. She insisted on dragging me along, but I was being my stubborn self refusing to go, and so she eventually gave up trying to convince me. It's eleven thirty now, she told me she'll be back a little after midnight.

Apparently the cafeteria delivers food to your room, so I ordered two slices of pizza. I actually don't have money to pay for that, but Jen left me some. I told her I'll pay her back right after I get a job. Keeping that in mind, Jen mentioned that the school's book store is hiring so I'm going to go, and apply there tomorrow. Being honest, money isn't that big of a problem for me. I can afford pretty much anything I want and even more. I've decided to keep that on the downlow for now, just because if people knew that I have a lot saved they'd want to know where I've got it from. And that my friends is a whole different story I would not like to share just yet.

Even through my music I hear my door being knocked at. I insert my bookmark into my book, and close it. I then pull out my headphones on the way to grabbing Jen's money. Knock. Knock. Knock. "I'm coming!" I yell.

I walk over to the door. I twist open the door knob only to find out; no one's there. I swear I heard someone knocking. I think to myself, and close the door. I was walking back to my bed when the knocking on the door started again. I walk back and open the door. Again no one's there.

"Seriously? Pranking the new girl? How mature!" I walk down the deserted hallway. Good thing everyone is at the party. I glance back and forth to spot someone, but no one catches my eye. One step at a time I slowly walk to the end of the hallway. Without any warning everything falls dark. I'm still alive. Aren't I? I pinch myself and immediately yelp in pain. Why did I have to pinch myself so hard?! I rub the tender spot on my forearm.

"Great, just what I need; a power outage," I sigh deciding to go back into my room. Just as I was about to walk back inside the door slams shut in my face.

"Hey! Who's in there?! Open the door!" I yell pounding on the door, but there's no response.

"Ugh!" I huff in anger. My stomach decides to join in on the complaining my growling. All I wanted was food!

"This isn't over! I will find out who's behind this and rip your eyes out of their sockets and shove them up your fucking ass! Ugh!" I swear I'm not this easy to tick off. I stomp my feet like a two year old, and walk outside to get some air.

Stupid university students and their annoying pranks. To be honest I don't believe in the whole ghost thing, so if they want to scare me it'll take a lot more then knocking on a door, and turning off the lights.

I regretting coming outside the instance the chilling air makes contact with my bare skin. Los Angeles might be hot in the mornings, but nights can be really cold too. My pyjamas which consist of black adidas gym shorts and a loose t-shirt that I cut the sleeves off of weren't exactly the best thing to wear in the frigid cold of autumn.

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