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Hey Guys!

Soooo, here is the cast list for Saved By The Boss:

Oliver Cameron - Dennis Quaid ~ suggested by f-ck_you

Lisbeth Cameron - Michelle Pfeiffer ~ suggested by natasha247_9

James Queen - George Clooney ~ suggested by Ekfeilk

Estelle Queen - Demi Moore ~ suggested by _firecracker_

Elena Queen - Willa Holland ~ suggested by Aria-Yusuf

Emily Jacobs - Scarlett Johansson ~ suggested by myriamkorel

Megan Kingston - Blake Lively ~ suggested by Aria-Yusuf ; MarcDaSilva and stelavushaj

Lucas Day - Chris Evans ~ suggested by perksofbeinghodan

Carla Ayton - Katey Sagal ~ suggested by f-ck_you

Thank you for all of your suggestions!

I hope you like the cast list :)

My copy of Ugly Love arrived today... I freaking read it in an hour and a half, it was so good! I cannot wait for the movie, my husband looks freaking edible in a pilot's uniform *heart eyes*

Have you guys read it? What did you think?

Fun fact: Nick Bateman's birthday is actually on the same day as mine! It's actually so sad how excited I got when I found that out LOL. It's because the only other other celeb who's birthday is in the same day as mine is Owen Wilson... And I find him to be so sleazy..

Do you guys have an interesting fact about yourselves? I'd love to know!

Anyhooo, do keep your eyes peeled for another update regarding my new project - Booked - I may publish within the next month and a half!

Love as always,


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