Chapter 37 - Bed, Scars & Beyond

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Chapter 37 - Bed, Scars & Beyond

Strips of sunlight seeped through the cracks between the blinds as my eyes fluttered open. Jasper's soft breathing filled the silence of the room as I looked down to see his arm wrapped tight around my waist.

I smiled as I recalled last night, his apology had not only gotten rid of the animosity between us but I swear to God, his sincerity and remorse had made me fall a hundred times harder for him.

I slowly shifted so I was now facing him, basking in his gorgeous face. His tanned skin and prominent jaw; his obscenely long lashes practically rested across his fine cheekbones and his thick midnight black hair lay tousled to utter perfection.

God, this man was absolutely edible.

"You're staring. Again." Jasper spoke, clearly amused while his sleepy voice conjured up a million wicked thoughts in my mind.

"I wasn't staring," I protested, my attempt clearly futile as he chuckled lowly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, baby."

"Àss," I grumbled underneath my breath.

"What was that? You want anàl?"

"Jasper!" I choked incredulously as he laughed, so loudly, I was sure the sound of his laugh had missed a country.

In Asia.

"What?" He questioned innocently. "I have no objections."

"Of course you don't," I quipped sarcastically as he just smiled at me. "Now who's the one giving creepy stares? What are you looking at?"

"You." He responded simply as I raised an eyebrow.

"No shit, Sherlock," I rolled my eyes.

"You're so beautiful, Scarlett," he murmured, gripping my hips forward so I was straddling him. "And you're all mine."

"All yours." I chuckled softly as I kissed the tip of his nose. "Now, let me go so I can start breakfast."

"No." He responded as I gave him a pointed look.

"It's already one o'clock in the afternoon, Jasper!" I said dramatically. "You are so lucky it's the weekend."

"Exactly," he stated as I got myself comfortable on top of his body. "And I plan to utilize my weekend very well."

"I have to go and visit Melissa, too," I reminded him as he twirled strands of my hair around his finger.

"Did she have a girl or a boy?" He asked.

"A girl. Her name is Avery."

"Am I correct to assume she was named after you?" He grinned as I nodded.

"Do you want kids?" I accidentally blurted out whilst Jasper looked a little taken aback by my sudden enquiry.

"Well... I guess I never really thought I'd even be in a committed relationship, so, naturally ,one could assume children were never going to be a part of my bachelor lifestyle," he explained. "But you see, there was this one woman I had my eyes on for so long but honestly, I always felt she was way out of my league. Imagine that - me, the most sexiest and powerful business tycoon to ever grace this earth felt one woman was out of his league!"

My insides churned considerably upon hearing this. I knew it was wrong of me to feel such jealousy but I genuinely couldn't help it.

"But, of course, the woman I'd set my eyes upon since the moment she stepped into my office with a blueberry muffin in her hand - I still have no regrets for forcing you to give it to me, by the way - opened up to me and gave me a chance, that was when I realized more than ever that I do want children with her. I want a whole soccer team of babies with her."

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