Chapter 65

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*Mikaela's Wedding Dress*

Well this is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue but this is the end of Trent and Mikaela's story. Thanks for those of you who have come along this with me. For something that started as a drunken idea while sitting poolside with a friend, this has turned into something much bigger than I ever expected. I hope you enjoyed this, and thanks again for all of you who came with me! Love you guys!!!


A beach wedding. What else would suit me?

We were getting married on Jekyll Island. Some of Trent's family was coming. Donovan was not. Nick was there with Natalie, Chastity, and their twins, Eric and Bryce. Madeline was there with her flavor of the week and Helena wouldn't let her go alone. He'd also invited some college buddies and Caroline. I wasn't sure how I felt about that last one, but she had helped us stay together and Trent was marrying me, not her, so I let it go.

I'd invited my family, my team, and of course Nikki and Katrina. Nikki was my maid of honor. She'd helped me pick out dress. It was a simple a-line dress that fell to the floor. It was a soft creamy white with lace sleeves that flowed down to my wrists. The back was open and the lace seemed to frame the exposed skin. It was conservative and covered everything I wanted covered, but Nikki was sure it would drive Trent crazy. At the end of the day, it made me feel beautiful and that's what Nikki promised was most important. Nick was Trent's best man.

There were about 50 people there in total. It was a small ceremony and an outdoor reception. We got married in the evening with the sun setting behind us. It took us about 8 months to plan but it was definitely worth it.

The media circus after we'd gotten back together had been hectic and there was a whirlwind of controversy and contempt. Donovan still doesn't like me, he's convinced I'm after something more than just Trent. He'd threatened Trent with me and we're still kind of expecting him to retaliate. I've already made my peace with the fact that Trent and I will probably always be in the media's eye and that they will spread rumors and lies. Neither one of us really cares about it. I don't read the tabloids and Nikki calls me if there's something really wild out there.

About half way through our reception Trent pulled me off to the side away from everyone.

He looked devilishly handsome in his dark suit, he'd ditched the jacket a while ago and we'd decided to go barefoot since our shoes would have just ended up filled with sand anyway.

"Are you having fun?"

"Yeah," I admitted.

"Good," Trent took my hand and pulled me against him. "You look incredible. And I can't believe you're really my wife again." Trent grinned before he gave me a chaste kiss. "Has it been everything you hoped for?"

"And then some."

"Good. You're my princess now and forever, I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving fairytales can come true."

"I don't want you to try to be Prince Charming. I didn't marry Prince Charming, I married you. Just be you." I shook my head.

"I can't wait for tonight," Trent growled in my ear and I shivered. Since we'd been back together, we hadn't had sex since the night he came to get me. Let's just say we were both really frustrated.

"Me either," I giggled.

"Hey!" Nikki giggled as she ran over. She was now dating an Aussie and he was ruggedly handsome, Mick I think his name was. "You be good to my best friend!" Nikki hugged me tight, she was more than tipsy. "That bitch better not be able to walk for a week!"

"Nikki!" My face went red. "There are children!"

As if on cue, "Oooooooh! You said a bad word!" Chastity sang. She was our flower girl and looked adorable in her ocean blue dress.

"Case and point," I warned as I picked her up. "Yes she did, she's going to have to wash her mouth out later." I whispered to Chastity.

"Oooooooh," Chastity squealed. "When do we get cake? Mommy said I have to wait for you and Uncle Trent. Can we have cake now?"

I laughed at that. "It is about that time, isn't it? What do you say Trent?"

Trent tried to smash cake in my face, which I returned and made sure he got a generous portion all over his face. Being Trent, he made a point of licking some of it off my face.

"I'm going to get you back for that tonight," I warned as we posed for pictures.

"I look forward to it." Trent growled. "Very much." Subtly Trent squeezed my butt and I gave an indignant squeak. He feigned innocence as I glared at him.

The rest of the evening was spent laughing, eating and drinking, and enjoying each other's company.

As things were winding down, Trent scooped me up and carried me out.

"What are you doing?" I asked, then I noticed the devilish smirk. "No. Whatever you're thinking, no."

Trent's smirk widened to a full on grin. "Oh yes,"

I noticed him walking toward the waves. "Don't you dare," I warned, knowing full well he dared.


"Don't give me that innocent act. Do not throw me in the water. I'm wearing white!"

"All the more reason," Trent teased as he nipped at my ear.

"Trent!" My arms locked around his neck. "Don't!"

Trent gave me a deep throaty laugh. "All right, relax." I felt myself relaxing and Trent kissed that sensitive spot where my neck meets my shoulder and I squirmed in his arm. "I cannot wait for later," Trent whispered.

"Stop that. And put me down," I warned.

"Fine, we do have to go say our goodbyes, even though I did want to throw you in the water,"

"But you won't because your wife asked you not to," I warned.

Trent grinned. "I like that word. Wife. Especially my wife," Trent mused as he lowered my feet down. "Want to make our final rounds before I make you mine in every way again?"

I leaned my back against him. "Okay, sure,"

We made our way back inside and it wasn't long before we were making our way into the limo and on our way to the hotel. Tomorrow we would be flying out to Australia for our honeymoon, then figuring out the rest of our lives after that one day at a time.

The Arrangementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें