Chapter 49

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By the way guys, I've been writing from the app on my cell phone vs on my laptop, and when I have 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there, I've been able to get a little more down, that combined with actually having the spark back in writing is why this story is progressing like it is!  I hope you guys are enjoying it, I appreciate you guys sticking with me.  Love you all!!!


I woke up to a nurse checking on Trent. "Mrs. Ralston," she smiled as she checked his charts and added something to his IV.

"What's that?"

"Antibiotics. His immune system will be weak after the trauma." I nodded.  It made sense.  "It's cute how you slept holding his hand," the nurse smiled. It was then I realized my hand was still in his.
I let go and blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed." She giggled. "It's cute. It's obvious how much you care about him."

I gave her a half hearted smile as I sat up. "How's he doing?" I asked nervously.

"Strong pulse, low fever, his lungs still have some recovering to do. But I'd say he's looking good."  She smiled at me.

"Can he hear me?  When he's like this, I mean." 

The nurse shrugged.  "Depends who you ask.  Most doctors say no.  Several patients have said yes.  I'd say at worst you've got a 50/50 shot."

I smiled and nodded.  Maybe he'd heard me last night then.  I checked my phone and saw I had two missed calls and seven texts.  I'd turned it on silent.  My blood ran cold when I listened to te voicemail from an unknown number.

"Mikaela, you and I need to have a little chat.  I will be in Atlanta in the morning.  We will discuss your little arrangement.  I feel strongly that you will see it my way."

What on earth did Donovan want?

I was about to check the next voicemail when Trent's door opened and a wall of a man stood in the doorway.  Donovan Ralston.

"Sir, it's immediate family only."  The nurse offered politely, but firmly.

"I'm his father."

"Then it's up to his wife."

"He can stay."  I agreed.

"Well, the doctor should be in soon."  The nurse promised as she left.

Donovan glared down at me.  It was obvious he wasn't pleased to be here or to see me.  "Did you stay here to play the doting wife?"

My eyes narrowed.  "Are those really your first words to me?  Not how's my son?  Not have there been any changes?  Your first thought is to accuse me?"  I growled.  He was a bully and used to getting his way.  I lost any sense of respect I had for the man in that moment. 

"Don't act indignant.  It's obvious this is an act.  You're doing this for the money.  You're just another whore, prostituting yourself out for your research.  I'm not stupid."

"Yeah, you kind of are."  I snarled back.  "If you aren't here for Trent, then why the hell are you here?" I demanded, my temper flaring.

"To finish what he could not.  I will double what he's offered you to pretend to be his wife."

I shook my head.  "You can leave.  You are the reason there's so much he tries to prove.  Why do you hate the idea of your son's happiness?  He told me about his mother.  He told me about the double standard of him and Nick."

"Listen, little girl, you know nothing about that."

"Don't talk down to me.  Men like you are pathetic.  You're a bully and bullies only bully because they feel inadequate somewhere in their lives.  So what is it?  Did your daddy not love you enough?  Do you feel insignificant somewhere?  Are you ashamed of cheating on your wife?  Are you afraid you've failed as a father-" I felt a painful sting across my cheek and I was knocked off the cot into the floor.  Tears burned my eyes and I clutched my face.  "I see." I swallowed.  "I hit a nerve with that last one.  You can leave now."  I picked myself up and I hit the nurse call button.

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