Chapter 29

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   ~     Two Years Later     ~

Jordan's POV

"Do you take James Adam as your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love, comfort him, cherish  him in prosperity and adversity;  forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him, so long as you both shall live?  " 

I stared at James across from me, holding my hands with a smile on his face. The pastor with his bible open, waiting on my answer. 

-  Flashback - 

I got out of my car in the garage of my office building, rushing because I had a meeting. Christmas stated that it was a last-minute meeting, that it was an emergency. I fixed my suit one more time, then I placed my phone on do not disturb. I don't know why I woke up late today this has never happened to me but then again I was the boss.  

When I opened the door to my building, the front desk person handed me a single rose. 

I was confused as to why I was getting a rose, It was only one. He said nothing after it was handed to me, just smiled. It was very odd but I thanked him and proceed to the elevator. When I got on the elevator, one of my employees was in there waiting for me with two flowers. 

I thank her while I took it from her, "Can I ask why I was getting flowers this morning ?" I asked her.  She did not answer me but smiled like the front desk clerk. Maybe my employees were possessed today. I brushed it off, got out of the elevator. 

Christmas saw me and handed me a bouquet of roses. I was confused more than before. 

"You know I got two from each of my employees downstairs, now you too. What's the occasion?" I said 

"I was told to give them to your Ms. Parker" Christmas answered,

"told? by who ?"   This time Christmas did not answer me. I walked inside my office with Christmas on my tail. I placed the roses on my table and put the single ones inside the bouquet. I smelled them but stopped once I sense Christmas still waiting for me.

"Your meeting is waiting for you upstairs"

"Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me. With all this distraction from one morning I almost forgot"

I looked at myself one more time, then grabbed my phone on the desk before I head out. Christmas still following me with her tablet in her hand. 

While we wait on the elevator I texted James

Me: Did you know I received flowers at work today from an anonymous person? You always the one to bring me flowers, I thought they were from you but nobody is talking...

He did not answer which I assumed he was busy at work as well. The elevator opened and I got another rose from another employee.  I just didn't question it anymore, I will cherish this for now. 

I started to walk toward the meeting room. The hall's floor was filled with white petals. I opened the meeting room and was shocked at the view. 

The room was filled with James and I pictures that we took on date nights, adventures ( we went to Paris for Gabby opening ), picnics we went on, photoshoots we took, us at my bestfriend wedding two years ago, silly pictures we took of us playing in bed, and me in the hospital. I wanted to cry looking at all our memories,  of how far we came.  

James was standing in the middle of the room with more petals surrouding him forming the shape of a heart.  He took my hand pulling me in the middle with him 

"That's why you didn't answer to my text, that's what you were up to ?"  I whispered to him. 

He smiled and came closer to me.  "I got a confession to make"  James started.

He went on one knee  

"Jordan Parker, from the first day that I met you, you had me wrapped around your finger, from the very moment  I came in that building and shook your hand.  I was lucky to be introduced to you. You have changed my life for the better. You are my bestfriend, and I want to be able to wake up to you every day and be the last to kiss you goodnight. I promise to help you live and love life to the fullest , to hold you with tenderness, to make you smile. I want to stand with you at every corner of your life, I want us to become one with you, I want us to create a beautiful family. " He said then took a deep breath " Jordan Parker, Would you do me the honor and marry me ?" James finishes.

"YESSS ! YESSS ! " I said, then held him in as tears of joy rolled down my cheek.  

-End of Flashback -

I couldn't think of not marrying someone like James. I know nobody is perfect but James was perfect for me. He loved me for me including my flaws. He did not want to change me but appreciated me. He supported me, he held my hands when things were tough, where most guys would run.  He always wanted to hear about how my day went. Whether I got off work early, he would be on the phone with me, he will come after work to see me at my house when I have a bad day at work. We would be layed up and watch movies together and that's someone I want to continue doing all those things with. 

I trust him. I trust that he will be there to catch me if I fall.  When we ready to start a family, he will be an amazing father.

I guess the saying 'Fathers know best' is true. If It wasn't for my dad, we wouldn't be standing here anyways. 

"Jordan ?" The pastor bringing my attention back to the ceremony,

"Yes, I DO," I said proudly and smiled at my now-husband.

"You may kiss the bride" The pastor final words were 

James couldn't wait to hear those words. 

His lips touched mine, my breath caught in my throat as James's lips roamed my mouth. He wrapped his hands around my waist bringing me closer to him as I grabbed on to his face, almost forgetting where we were. 

He pulled away from my lips but not entirely. We could hear the crowd go crazy in the background but we were in our own little world. James smiled.

"Thank You for showing me that love does exist," I said to him

"Thank you for taking a chance on me" James said. 

I was Married.


At my wedding reception, I played the piano, which was a gift that my mother left for me. When she was pregnant with me, my dad said she would play it to calm me down in her belly. My dad was amazing for keeping it for me.


A/N: The piano was the gift the dad said he had for her during her birthday, I wanted to mention it here. 

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