Chapter 20

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Jordan's POV

3 Months Later

I woke up in my bed and rolled over to meet with my sister's face. She's been doing that since I was discharged at the hospital.

"Were you looking at me while I was asleep this time," I asked her giving her a confused face.

"Pretty much," She said while smiling.

"Thanks, Guardian Angel ?" I answered sarcastically

"You're welcome,"

"Well... Gisele is coming to drive me to the hospital. I am taking my arm cast off today. Do you want to come with us? "

"I can drive you myself" Gabby said.
She was being unfair to Gisele. She wanted nothing to do with her since Gisele didn't tell her about my story.

"Go take your driving test, then we will talk," I said to her and started to walk to the bathroom.

"Jo..." Gabby said making me stop short in my tracks.

I slowly turned back to her. My sister only calls me that once she's scared or worried.

"What happens? Is everything okay ?" I asked while walking back to her on the bed. She had her hands down fumbling with her fingers

"Why didn't you tell me? You only told Gisele. Am I not your best friend too? "  She asked. I could tell that really did bother her. I didn't want anyone to know, I didn't want to seem weak that's why I try so hard being a CEO.

"Gabby, it was not like that " I started, I sat on the bed facing her.

"You were in High School, and so young with dreams. I  didn't want you to see the world for what it is, in a way, I was trying to protect you. I didn't want nobody to worry about me.  I was scared and ashamed. I told Gisele because she was there at the right time. Once I told her, I pushed myself to worry about everything else because I didn't want to talk about it, It felt dirty. "

"You are so brave," Gabby said as a tear dropped from her eyes. I bet a lot is going through her mind.

I wiped her dropping tears and hugged her.

"It's all over now because of you, and my support system," I told her.

"Alright, Alright, enough with the sappy stuff.  Go get ready" She said and pushed me off the bed.

Laughing I got up from my carpeted floor and walked to the bathroom but not without telling my sister "I love You, You will always be my best friend before anything"

"I love you more Jo "

I showered and did my hair in the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom to see Gabby still laying flat on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I walked to the closet to pick out some shoes for today.

" So are you still not  coming with Gisele and I ?"

"No, I am still mad at her."

"You can't be serious. Are you saying the G.G group is broken ?"

"She kept it from me. You are my sister "

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