Chapter 16

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Mark’s POV

They were close, they had snuck over at various points during the day and getting into their hiding spots. No one had noticed. Mark had scented the air when he got here and he had to struggle with his wolf. Katelyn was in heat and her scent was all over the place as her wolf pushed it out seeking her true mate. Carter was near him and he too was fighting with his wolf. He had a different cabin he was to take Carol to. Carol would need to recover and Carter didn’t want any males near her until she healed. He had a feeling that she was going to need time before she faced the rest of the pack.

Mark glanced up at the sky.

Is everyone ready? He asked.

Yes everyone replied in one way or another.

Mark watched as the last ray of sunlight was snuffed out by night. It was a new moon so there was no moon in the sky to betray them.

Go! He mentally yelled. Mark’s wolf pushed forward and raced towards the house. There may have been wolves in his way he didn’t know or care. He followed Katelyn’s scent. Wolves were fighting and killing around him as two teams raced towards the house. As soon as they were inside Mark caught her scent again and found a metal door. He shifted briefly to break it down and raced down the stairs. The teams split up. It was a maze of prison cells with various people calling for help but he couldn’t help them yet. He had one person he was focused on and it was that person he would get first. Alpha George raced ahead of him turned a corner and quietly took out a guard that was standing outside a door.

Mark and Aaron bit back a growl at the sounds coming from inside the room. Alpha George searched the man and found a set of keys. He got the door open and Mark was inside the room in a flash. He grabbed Paul by the arm and ripped him away from Katelyn. He then stood over Katelyn growling viciously. Paul smiled evily.

“I’m impressed you found my place so quickly, You must be the reason why my mark wasn’t able to take full effect over her.”

Mark didn’t answer he just growled his eyes glowing as he stood protectively over his mate.

“Well it’s a good thing you’re here then, I can take you out and mark her again and without your interference it will take full control.” Paul taunted. He didn’t even notice the other wolves standing just outside the door.

Mark growled but didn’t move. He wouldn’t move away from his mate. He glanced over briefly to notice that her eyes had glazed over. She wasn’t here mentally.

“Oh come on, you’re saying you won’t leave her? You won’t try to kill me? Attack me? Do you know how many times I’ve taken her? It’s possible she could be carrying my pup right now.” Paul taunted some more.

Mark growled again but refused to move. He couldn’t leave Katelyn unprotected.

“Alright then, you give me no choice.” Paul shifted and prepared to jump but he was knocked to the ground by Alpha George.

GO! Alpha George yelled.

Mark shifted back to human form and tore the chains off Katelyn, He looked at her neck and noticed the silver wrapped collar. He gripped it and ignoring the burning the silver was doing to his hands he ripped it apart. Mark was furious and was fueled by anger, a desire to protect his mate and the lust that coursed through him as her heat washed over him. He looked around for something to cover her with, completely ignoring the fighting between Paul and Alpha George. Fynn padded up to him still in wolf form and handed him a sheet.  Mark nodded at him in thanks and carefully wrapped Katelyn up before picking her up gently.

Go, We will take care of this. Fynn sent  to him.

Mark nodded and took off. As soon as he got outside a group of wolves surrounded him, his pack was protecting him and their new Luna, Alpha female.  There were still pockets of fighting happening but Mark was more concerned with his mate in his arms. He took off with them surrounding him. He looked down into Katelyn’s eyes, he watched as they became clearer. She blinked and looked up at him.

“Mark?” She asked.

He nodded and she broke down in tears. He squeezed her gently holding her even closer as she cried.

“Shh my love, you’re safe. I promise I’m going to make sure nothing happens to you ever again” Mark said softly as he continued to run as fast as he could to the cabin.

Carter’s POV

Carter broke off from Mark, He was looking for his mate not Katelyn. He knew that Katelyn would be safe as soon as Mark found her. He raced down the deserted halls. They must have heard the fighting and took off to help. Mark picked up Carol’s scent stronger than ever by a door. He shifted and ripped the door off its hinges and almost collapsed at what he saw. Carol was chained to a wall, naked and it looked like she hadn’t been fed in a while.

Carter raced over to her and was able to shatter the chains that held her without using much strength. The Wolf gods had given him the power he needed to help his mate. Carol looked at him, her eyes filled with tears,

“Are you real? Are you really here?” She whispered.

“Yes my sweet, I am here” He said softly caressing her face and whipping away the tears that had escaped.

Carol threw herself at him and he wrapped his arms around her holding her close.

“not yet my sweet, We will get you out of here and you can break down then but right now we have to get you out of here.” He said pulling back and looking into her eyes.

Carol nodded in understanding. Carter helped her to her feet carefully and turned around. He remembered that James and Nate were standing at the door waiting. He growled at them placing himself between Carl and them to prevent them from seeing her naked. Nate whined and pointed to his back leg where there was something tied to it. Carter bent down and untied it, it was a large shirt.  He hadn’t noticed it before.

Thank you man, I didn’t even think. Carter said gratefully.

No problem, I thought it may be an issue from what we were briefed and I brought it thinking you would be too busy focusing on your mate to remember and you probably wouldn’t want her wearing anything from here so I grabbed one of your shirts before we left. Nate responded.

It’s one of mine? Carter replied almost in awe.

Yup, I tried not to get too much of my scent on it and she would be more comfortable surrounded by your scent, another scent might make her panic.

Carter nodded in thanks, too stunned for words that his friends had so much consideration for his mate. He turned to her and helped her put on the shirt. It was huge on her and covered her. Carter purred in happiness at seeing his mate in his shirt. He caught scent of her fear and he pulled her close to him.

“Calm down my mate, we will protect you” He picked her up bridal style and they carefully made their way out. James and Nate took turns scouting around to make sure that there were no rogues.  Carol had her face buried into his chest, her eyes closed just breathing in his scent trying to calm herself down so the scent of her fear wouldn’t give them away.

She glanced up at him “What about Katelyn?” She asked softly.

“Don’t worry, Mark has her” Carter said. After briefly asking Mark through mind link.

Carol nodded and went back to cuddling into his chest and breathing in her scent. 

They made their escape without any issues and made their way towards the second cabin that had been set up for them.

~~~~~Yay! they escaped! isn't Nate sweet? ^_^ The girls are safe now but there is still much more to be told in this story so stay tuned! :) Vote, comment :) and Thank you all so much for reading :) another chapter will prolly go up early next week :) (I know this chapter is alittle short but the next chapter will be longer :) ) ~~~~~

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