Chapter 14

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Katelyn’s POV

Katelyn paced back and forth in her cell. She had been locked down here for a couple days now and hadn’t been allowed out. Apparently there were some thoughts that Paul could pick up on. She had been trying to come up with a way to prevent him from getting her pregnant.  Katelyn figured if she could run and hide out for a couple days she could force him to miss the opportunity that he needed. Needless to say he picked up on that thought and decided the safest thing to do was lock her away so she didn’t have the chance to escape him.

Katelyn felt Nya pacing around as well.

*could you at least pace in the same direction as me? You’re making me feel off balance* Katelyn complained.

*Sorry, not really paying attention*

*it’s ok*

*so what can we do now? We can’t escape and hide so we need a new plan* Katelyn said sitting down on the bed.

*well…The bond between us and Paul would grow because the child inside us would form a bond with him*

*yes, and then by killing paul it would put the child at risk because the child would have a bond with him as well.*

*what if we change the bond?* Nya said

*What? Like force a bond with Mark instead?*

*yes, once we are able to feel the child and know that we are pregnant the bond between child and father will not be strong yet, we may be able to move the bond to Mark, or the child may accidently form a bond with our mate regardless of who biologically their father is.* Nya said thoughtfully.

*hmmm…you may be on to something, would Paul know of this possibility?*

*no, he wouldn’t know who the child bonded with until after the child was born. There are some things that are kept to mother child. And this multi bond thing we have going on hasn’t happened before*

Katelyn sighed and looked out of the small barred window she had. The sun was setting. She wasn’t in heat yet but she would be soon. She could feel it, little by little her heat was approaching. Soon her heat would hit her like a truck and she would be in heat for 4 days.  Katelyn heard a door open at the end of the hall. She knew who was coming. Katelyn and Nya both retreated in her mind. They wrapped themselves in the bond with Mark and Aaron, allowing it to comfort them like a warm blanket.  Katelyn was just aware enough to do as she was told until the point where she could completely focus on the bond with Mark and Aaron and ignore what was being done to her physically.

Mark’s Pov

Mark lay in wolf form, hidden behind some bushes. The bitch had been going out every night to see her mate.  They had been giving out some very tempting information. They revealed that they knew who took Katelyn, They also let out that they were looking for some key people to be leaders when we went to war. Mark smiled to himself, They allowed her to be a “leader” so that she would have more “information” to give.

This was the 4th night and they figured it was time to catch them. There were wolves stationed all around ready to catch them both.  She had been overly careful on the first night but by the third she seemed to believe that she was extremely clever and didn’t pay any attention at all to her surroundings. Now he watched her as she lay in the clearing in wolf form.

Mark felt Katelyn wrap their bond around herself mentally and he sent all the love he had for her through the bond to make her feel warmer and to let her know that he loved her no matter what. He felt her wrap herself in the bond every night. He didn’t like to think of the reason why she would need to retreat like that it would only anger him and make him lose focus and he didn’t need that right now. Instead every time he felt her wrap herself in the bond he would send her all of his love and all of his heart to her to give her more to wrap herself in. He couldn’t protect her physically but he did everything in his power to protect her heart and mind and he felt Aaron do the same.

Mark looked around in the darkness. Carter was the only one who wasn’t here. The nights were the hardest for him and even he was afraid he would kill the rogue and the traitor before they got any information from them.  He froze as another wolf came into the clearing.

Is his exit blocked? Mark asked

Yes Alpha a wolf answered.

Alright, wait until they are together. On my word move.

Mark watched as the rogue raced up to the traitor and licked her face and rubbed up against her. He was clearly happy to see her.

Move! He ordered.

10 wolves including him jumped out of the forest, growling and closing in. The rogue jumped in front of his mate and growled back, warning them away from her.  Mark shifted to human form.

“Back down rogue, you’re out matched here and there is no escape. I order you both to shift”

The two shifted. Mark nodded and a few of the other shifted and took the traitor and the rogue into custody. They were led away to separate cells. Mark followed them at a slower pace.  There was no point in getting there before them and the rogue and traitor had to be chained up before the interrogation could start. Yes, He could take his time.

Carter’s Pov

Carter picked up a pillow and shredded it. He couldn’t make the pain go away and he just wanted to kill everyone who dared put a hand on his mate. He would punch the wall again but last time he did that he hit a stud and broke it. It had taken hours to fix and Alpha Holly had kindly asked him not to hit the wall again.

Alpha Liam had brought him a cinderblock to hit but apparently with his new tattoo that unlocked his power he was able to turn the cinderblock to dust in a matter of minutes. Though…that did help work out some of his anger, he may have to ask for another one.

He was fine the day, yes he was restless and angry and worried constantly about his mate but at least he knew she was safe and she wasn’t being violated. He sat heavily on the bed. He frowned for a second, The bond sent this pain, along with the anger and hurt that his mate felt. He wondered if it worked the other way around.

*it may, I say we try it* Carter’s wolf Keith said.

Carter took a few deep breaths and instead of focusing on the anger he felt he focused on his love for his mate. He focused on his dreams for their future. He wanted pups, lots of them. He wanted to have their own little house near the pack house, Victorian style with a more modern interior and a big wrap around porch. He wanted to mark her and show her how wonderful sex can be. Carter wanted to see her full and round with his pups. He dreamed of feeling them kick and seeing the first ultrasound. He imagined sons that looked like him and daughters that were beautiful like her.

Carter could almost feel a sigh of relief through the link, He then felt a rush of happiness. Almost like she could see what he was imagining. He then got an image of her wrapped in his arms. Carter felt his heart swell as he picked up on what she was sending. He couldn’t connect with her to talk to her but this may be a way for them to communicate and hopefully for him to help her get through it. He sent back an image of him holding her in bed, her asleep and him wide awake watching her lovingly and protecting her even as she slept.

Carter lay back down on his bed and focused on that image, an image that would hopefully soon become reality.

Carol’s POV

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Carol fell asleep with a smile on her face.

~~~a short chapter but a nessisary one :) needed to move the timeline a little and put a couple plans and some side story :) Hope you enjoy it and know the next chapter will be a little more action packed ;) so comment/vote and let me know what you think ^_^ ~~~~~

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