Chapter 28: Beautiful Memories

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Stefan's POV
Everyone is ready to fight. Freya and I have 52 people on our side and not including one of the witches and werewolves that are going to stay here and watch our kids. I go into the living room along with everyone else. It's only the Mystic Falls gang, New Orleans gang, and Gabby's friends here with me, Freya, Gabby, Kol, Greg, Jasmine, Jay, and Amy. The others aren't here yet.

We look into the living room and all the kids are playing. I see Emmy drop her doll. Just when she is about to pick it up, Jesse-- Hayley and Jackson's eight year old son, picks it up for her. She smiles at him and he smiles back at her. I frown at that and they just keep staring at each other.

I call out, trying to get Emmy away from him because I don't like the thought of my daughter with any boy "Emmy! Come here, sweetie." She looks at me and nods her head and gives Jesse a smile before walking away and he does the same.

Freya hits my arm and says "Stop that, they are just playing nice." I say still frowning "Yeah, well, that's a little too nice to me." Emmy comes over and I pick her up and say "Stay right here with me. Alright?" She nods her head and I say "Okay."

She rests her head on my shoulder and we see Annie and Troy come in. Troy says "Look you guys. I put together a video of every single moment we have had together. All the way from when we came to Portland to Jay's b-day party."

I suggest "Well, it's not time yet. Let's watch." We all sit down and watch, even the Mystic Falls and New Orleans gang. I say to them "You don't have to watch it." They say "It's fine." I nod my head and we watch the video. I'm sitting on the couch with Freya to my left and Jay to my right.

The first thing that pops up is us at Jay's pool jumping in and playing water volleyball. We laugh when we see Travis dunk Gabriella in the pool. Then it goes to us watching Twilight. Troy fell asleep in the beginning and we laugh when Travis throws popcorn on him, which wakes him up.

I look at the others and Damon, Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, and Jacque look a little sad and left out. Travis says "Oh look, remember this part? Gabby drooling and daydreaming over Taylor Lautner being shirtless and in his underwear." We all laugh at that.

Sarianna shrugs "Oh please, everytime we watch Twilight she daydreams about Tay Laut." Gabby glares at us, and looks back at Kol. We see Kol staring at Gabby with jealousy written all over his face. Gabby shoots Travis and Sarianna a death glare and spats "I hate you!" We laugh again.

We see Freya and I kiss, and everyone except the others say "Awe!" Freya and I smile at each other, then we see it's Jay and I doing our handshake and bro hugging. Jay and I fist bump, and Damon asks in jealousy "When was this?" Jay and I say at the same time "When we had that contest with Freya and Gabby." We bro hug and laugh.

Freya asks "Are you two seriously going to start that again?" We shrug our shoulders and Rebekah asks in curiosity "Start what again?" Jay and I say at the same time "Talking at the same time." We look at each other and say "Dude! Seriously! Stop that!" Gabby, Greg, Jasmine, Amy, Kol, and Freya laugh.

Freya says, pointing between us "That's what I mean." Jay and I join in on the laugh and bro hug, but I decide to stop when I see Damon giving Jay a death glare. He seriously has no right acting this way. He was the one that always ditched me whenever Ric needed a drinking buddy, and always told him everything.

We see on the screen, everyone is helping plan me and Freya's wedding. We all smile at that and me kissing Freya and her stomach. That was when she was pregnant with the twins and everyone says "Awe!" Freya and I look at each other and smile and kiss.

She snuggles up to me and so does Emmy. She's sitting on my lap. Now, it's our wedding, and Freya and I are dancing. Elena asks shocked and a little jealous "You guys got married on a beach?" We answer together "Yeah and on New Years Eve!" We smile at each other and the others look shocked.

Katherine says really happy for us "Wow. I know for a fact your wedding must have been romantic and the best." We nod our heads, then it's at the speeches and cake, and we laugh when we see Sarah put cake icing on Matt's nose. The Mystic Falls gang -except Care, Kai, Jo, Liv, Matt, and Sarah- Klaus, Rebekah, Jacque, and Elijah still look a little left out. I really feel a little bad.

I look back at the screen and see it's now at the countdown. We are all screaming "Happy New Years!" And cheering and blowing our horns. It then goes to when Freya and I are leaving for Paris.

Gabby says "Awe, when you and Freya left for your honeymoon in Paris." Elena asks, shocked "P- P- Paris? You took Freya to Paris for your honeymoon?" I nod my head and she looks a little jealous. It then goes to when Freya is pregnant with the twins and then when they are born and everyone including the others smile at it.

Emmy asks "Mommy? Daddy? Is that me and Andy?" We notice how she says that sadly because Andy isn't here to see it. I answer sadly "Yes sweetie, it is." She looks down sad and asks "When is Andrew coming back?" I answer "Later on today, sweetie."

Emma's eyes light up and she asks in excitement "Really?" I nod my head and she exclaims in excitement "Yay!" She hugs me and I hug her back. She gets off my lap and goes to the kitchen.

I look back at the screen and it's their 4th birthday. Freya and I are by both of their sides and I say on the screen "Make a wish." They do that, then blow out their candles and everyone claps.

I smile at that and so does everyone else, especially Damon. I see Emma come back in with a capri sun and Jesse motions for her to come sit next to him and she does. I keep my eyes on them and everyone notices and silently laughs, except Hayley, she looks just as protective as me.

I see him smiling at her and her smiling at him. Freya hits me then says "Stefan, knock it off!" I say "They're too close." She laughs and rolls her eyes at me. I see them touch hands and lock eyes and I couldn't take it anymore.

I raise my voice "Emma, come here!" She jumps in fright and quickly looks at me and nods her head. She gives Jesse one more smile and comes over to me. I pick her up and sit her on my lap and hold her close to me and protectively.

The video goes to our family trip in Fiji last year. Emma says in joy "Oh! Look daddy, our family trip to Fiji!" Kai asks "You guys went to Fiji?" Emma answers "Yes. We go on family trips every year with Aunt Gabby's friends, Uncle Greg, Uncle Kol, Aunt Gabby, Aunt Jasmine, Aunt Amelia, Goddad, Sarah, Matt, and Godmom." I see Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah, and Damon put their heads down, feeling a little left out.

The scene is now at Jay's party. This is all before the Silas and Dahlia drama. Two minutes later, the video ends and we all clap. The Mystic Falls gang and Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Jacque clap slowly.

Damon says, sarcastically "Wow! Got married on a beach and on New Years Eve, must have been one hell of a wedding." I just look at him because I know he's mad that he wasn't invited, but we were on the outs and he hurt Gabby and lied to Greg.

Katherine tries to ease the tension and smiles at us, as she says "Beautiful memories!" Kol whispers in Gabby's ear "You and I are talking later." She groans and I laugh. Obviously he's jealous because she daydreams about Tay Laut's abs.

I stop when we hear humming and by the terrified look on Freya's face, I knew it was Dahlia. It's time. I say to Emmy "Sweetie, mommy and I are going to be out for a while, okay?" She nods her head and I kiss her forehead and so does Freya and her grandmothers.

We go outside and see everyone here and ready to go. I state in gratitude "Before we start this, I just want to tell you all how grateful I am for your help." Freya says, gratefully "Same here." Everyone nods their heads at us. Freya and I jump when we hear Andrew's voice and it shouts "MOMMY! DADDY! HELP ME!"

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