Chapter Two - Myths of black magic sounded so true

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Chapter Two – Myths of black magic sounded so true.

I was waiting for Nick at my home with stationery supplies placed carefully on the table where we are supposed to work. If he doesn't bring Blaise, it'd be better. Nick had met me after school and told me that he'd be at my place at five.

I kept pacing around the room with my eyes periodically glancing at the door and the table. If my heart could run out of my chest, it could have taken a run around the world by now. With the pace it was beating, I was thinking it will pump blood out of my body.

Mom and dad were not at home. Dad is always busy with business and all the stuff while mom is a doctor in a hospital in the other town. She mostly stays there in a rented apartment but comes to visit me once in a month. And believe that's not very pleasant when she asks about my boyfriend. And definitely not pleasant when she tries to have 'The Talk' with me. She is a doctor and I hate Biology.

House bell rang and I jumped a good four feet in the air slamming palm of my hand against my mouth to stop a scream from scaring away whoever was outside. The probability, high probability, of Nick on the other side of the door made me nervous as hell. I raked my hands through my hair once and opened the door with a small smile on my face.

It was not Nick standing in front of me.

Blaise had a passive look on his face. His eyes were narrowed as he looked at me like I was a specimen under his observation. It made me squirm at my place and a little bit disappointed that Nick didn't come. Blaise was supposed to be here but I was not prepared for him. My mind was roaming back to Nick and Nick only.

"Will you let me inside or do you want to work on the project on the doorway?" He snapped at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, not pleased by his rudeness but decided to ignore his crude remark and opened the door wider to let him in. I was thinking about slamming the door when he is halfway inside but decided against it.

What I muttered under my breath when he passed me was not meant for his ears but the glare he threw me clearly spoke I-heard-you-right.

But I cared the least for it. Instead of covering up for my childishness, teenagers swear more than children, I mouthed the same word again. He clenched his jaw trying to control his anger. I definitely didn't want an angry football player in my house standing not more than five feet away from me. I could feel the anger radiating from his body creating a dark aura around him but frankly, it didn't bother me the least unless he takes any action which I, for some reason, believed he won't.

I smirked at him and went back to shut the door. Someone stuck their foot when wood was about to slap against the wood. Frowning, I opened the door again to find Nick standing there. He had a smirk playing on his lips. My heart pumped blood to my face.

I smiled nervously at him. He was wearing a blue t-shirt. That was all I could make out. I didn't want to stare at him and creep him out when we had just started interacting with each other. Even though my eyes were screaming at me to travel my gaze down, I had to resist the urge.

"Hey," He greeted me and I forced a smile with a small 'hi'. It sounded strained. I sounded constipated.

My cheeks turned redder and I noticed that he was wearing neon green and black shoes paired with his black jeans.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I mentally slapped myself for standing there like a fool I am.

"Y-yeah," I breathed, letting him in. Someone snorted and it wouldn't take a genius to know he was Blaise.

I closed the door and glared at the ceiling, mouthing curses before letting out a sigh.

"Come," I directed a boy and a jerk with a small smile towards the living room.

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