Chapter 15

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At their arrival, Jack clutched Kaiden's fur tightly between his fingers, even if his mate nudged him off his back, huffing slightly and pressing himself against his shy mate. Jack's eyes widened as he stared, a smile slipping on his lips.

Kaiden huffed in amusement, following Jack's eyes to the several pups that fumbled close to their parents or the wolves carrying the little ones around. Jack's eyes sparkled, smiling down at Kaiden as the wolf tenderly nuzzled against his stomach.

He knew what his mate meant, so he grinned down at him while rubbing his head. Seeing the pups for the very first time sent a little thrill through his chest, pushing his doubts to the back of his mind.

The pups yipped and tumbled over each other, trying to outrace each other before they noticed the visitors. Instead of being cautious, the pups glanced once at their parents and when they didn't protest, they charged at the group of four.

Jack stumbled back before landing on his behind, grinning as he instantly was jumped by happy pups. Several were jumping up towards Kaiden and Rowan's face, trying to appease the bigger wolves by licking their muzzle. They were noticeably cautious with Chris, gently sniffing at the highly pregnant male's clothes before wagging their tiny tails.

"Alright guys, enough." Kaiden said after shifting and redressing himself. The wolf inside him was acting like a pup, purely because it was in the presence of newborns and pups no older than several moons.

He chuckled as the pups finally backed away from Jack, a few tugging at his pale hair in curiosity. His mate laughed, prying his hair loose from their little teeth before he grabbed the closest pup and lifted it till their faces were at the same height.

"You guys are so cute." He cooed; gaining a happy lick that caused another bout of laughter. Kaiden felt a nudge against his ribs and smiled warmly as Rowan had nudged him while they both stared at the happy Jack.

"He'd be good with kids."

Kaiden nodded as he watched his mate, who was oblivious of the world around them as he played with the little bundle of fluff in his hands. It made Kaiden long for pups of their own, to play with their young and watch Jack lecture their pups when they misbehaved.

A gentle touch on his face made Kaiden blink, snapping out of his thoughts before he realized that Rowan and Chris had already wandered further into the village, leaving them to enjoy a quiet moment. Jack's hand was still resting on his cheek, so Kaiden slightly turned his head to place a tender kiss on the soft flesh.

Instantly a blush spread over Jack's cheeks but he managed to keep his eyes on the wolf, smiling shyly as he detected the curious yet longing look in those golden depths. He recognized that longing look and somewhere, Jack knew it had to do with the pups.

Before he could say something though, Kaiden has placed a tender finger on his lips before kissing him softly. Jack smiled into the kiss and leaned closer, wrapping his arms around Kaiden's neck.

Just as they were getting a bit into the kiss, an amused cough rang out behind Kaiden, making the man stiffen his shoulders before he sighed while Jack blushed deeply, remembering that they were out in the open.

They kissed in front of all these kids!

As Jack was still looking at their feet, he could hear a rumbling chuckle going through Kaiden's chest. "You really know when to come and but in, huh Dad?" The words sank through Jack's mind slowly, turning his cheeks bright red.

"Oh my gosh...His parents saw us kissing!" Jack thought to himself, having difficulties to swallow as he buried his face in Kaiden's chest. The wolf only chuckled and soothingly rubbed Jack's back.

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