[18]: Fear

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Niall POV:

I closed the door quietly, feeling in a daze. Being with Kieran was almost too perfect, and knowing my luck I was probably going to end up broken again, but it was hard to resist when he treated me the way I wanted to be treated. He made me feel like I actually mattered or that I was actually cared for by someone.

It was 11:00 and I was kicking off my shoes when I saw a pair of eyes peeking at me from behind a pillow.

"Sergio? What're you doing up so late?" I asked, recognizing his eyes. Although they were almost identical to Bailey's, his were almost a reflective orange.

"I couldn't sleep," he said. "Bailey and me were worried you were leaving. So I came out here. I saw Kieran with you outside, so it made me feel better."

I pursed my lips and sat next to him on the couch. "Why do you think I would leave you guys?"

He was silent or a bit. "I don't know," he said shyly. "You spend a lot of time with him..."

I pulled my little brother towards me. "Listen, Sergy. When I do get older, and when I am in love, that person and I might move into another house together and get married. Even then I'll never leave you guys," I said softly and hugged him. "I will always come visit you, and you're always welcome to come visit me. Okay?" He nodded, letting me hug him for once. We were silent for a minute or two.



"Are you in love with Kieran?"

I blinked, frozen in place. That question shocked me, honestly. I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't be. We'd only been dating for a little over a month. We were still young, too. We had so much time to figure that out.

Then again, I'd never felt anything like this towards anyone else. Sure, I might've thought some guys were cute or hot, but as far as Kieran went, he was different from my past boyfriends...granted that was maybe two in total but still.

He always provided a listening ear and looked interested in what I had to say. He always seemed to amaze me with whatever outfit he wore, whatever he talked about, everything he did. I could never get him out of my mind, but were you supposed to?

"Well, I don't know," I finally decided. "We've only been dating for a month, so we have plenty of time to figure it out." If it were Bailey, I'd have picked another answer, but Sergio had a better understanding of relationships. Funny enough, he knew about it before he came to us. Which scared Mom and I, he never explained why and never had. We were scared something had happened to him, like a pervert named Rufus that hid in a public bathroom.

Honestly, with the state society was in, that was the most logical thing that could've been thought up. Again.

He thought about it for a little bit. "I think you are."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because," he started, "Ever since you met Kieran, you're happier. And you daydream a lot, too. You just look better," he said, then faltered and started thinking. "It looks like you don't want to leave when you're with him. And Kieran is the same. He's a lot happier since the beach. Even if you and Kieran are in different places, you still look like you love someone."

Wow. I was not expecting that wordy of an answer. I was expecting a "haha, because you kiss it must mean you love each other, right?" Perhaps I underestimated his knowledge.

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