[12]: Beach

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Kieran POV:

We all ran down to the beach, which was about a block and a house away from the beach house.

Bailey and Sergio grinned at each other and ran ahead.

"Lee! Ser! Don't get too far!" Niall shouted after them, running to catch up.

"Who are those two? I haven't seen them before," Coby asked.

"The girl is Bailey, the boy is Sergio. They're twins, and Niall's little siblings. You didn't see them before because they went straight to sleep." I watched Bailey fall and face plant into the tarmac. I heard her start to cry as Niall picked her up, sighing.

We all logged over to them, seeing blood dripping down Bailey's nose as she cried.

Niall was checking her over, looking at the scrapes on her face and knees. Bailey hugged Niall as if he were her life line, which—in all honesty—he probably was.

"What happened, Bails?" Cris asked.

"She took a fall, nothing too bad," Niall said, holding her on his hip. "I told you to be careful, Lee. You're not wearing sneakers."

"Aw, it's alright Bails," Zay said with a grin. "Come on, the salt water will clean out those scrapes."

Niall nodded, hefting Bailey in his arms until she stopped crying. When she did, she jumped out of his arms and ran full speed to the sand. Sergio right behind her. You'd think they'd learn, but kids will be kids.

We all spread out a blanket and set up everything. I saw the twins running towards us. They dropped their towels and ran to the water.

I saw a grin appear on Niall's face and he stripped his shirt as quick as he could and sprinted in their direction.

"There he goes again," Cris muttered. "He never stops."

We all watched Niall tackle his siblings to the ground before they hit the water. He grabbed Bailey by the waist and threw her under his arm. We could hear her squeal from where we were as she escaped his grip and ran back towards us, dashing around the blanket. Sergio appeared out of nowhere behind me and sat on the blanket.

This chase lasted an hour. One whole fucking hour.

Finally, at the one hour mark, Niall collapsed on the blanket next to me, breathing hard. Bailey decided the blanket wasn't comfortable enough so she laid on top of Niall, somehow unbothered by his sweaty skin.

"Wow, that was a show, Niall and...?" Alex trailed off.

"Bailey," Isaiah finished.

He nodded. "Bailey."

"It's normal for them, actually. It's their daily routine," Cris said with his arms behind his head, stretched out and eyes closed.

"To run non-stop for an hour?" Coby asked. "Holy shit, is that why you're like a twig, Niall?"

He shrugged. "Don't know. I took gymnastics and karate too, so I guess," he sat up, rolling Bailey off of him. "I'm going in the water, I'm sweaty."

"Yeah, let's all go with. We hardly did anything but sit here," Isaiah said.

Cris and I shrugged, stripping our shirts and standing. I stretched, feeling my back crack. The rest of the guys followed. Sergio stayed behind to read and draw.

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