Part 19

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"How is my gorgeous girlfriend doing this morning?"

"Mmmm she is doing fine my sexy boyfriend."

"Mmmm 'sexy boyfriend'.  I like the sound of that." Toby winked at Harmony.

"Ok gross gross. You guys are disgusting my day!" A voice wailed from across the room.

"You're just jealous that you don't have a sexy boyfriend like me Melanie."

"Two weeks with you guys is torture! Either you give Toby to me or find me one!"

"We'll find you one!" Toby and Harmony said at the same time.

"Well I will try not to take offense to that Tobes"

"Babe I think you should stay here cuz you'll get bored becaussseee I have a feeling that she's picky about her guys."

"Don't have to ask me twice! Have fun!... Wait, that was for Melanie! I forbid you to have fun babe!"

"Aww babe, don't get so upset!" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well let's get started! A special person out there needs me!!!" Melanie cried out.

"My goodness! Were you like this before you were with us too?!" I asked holding back a laugh.

"Let's goooooooooo!"

          Toby and I found Melanie standing outside our motel room and at first we found it really creepy but she looked really depressed and we found out that she had been living on the streets looking for a job wherever they would take her.  I know it sounds dumb to invite her to stay with us while we are trying to get away from people but she reminds me a lot of Sophia and I couldn't say no to her.  She's been with us for two weeks but it feels like I've known her for years!

"What about him?" I asked Melanie.

"Ehhhh, he's too short!"

"That's what you said about the last one!"

"Maybe because the last guy was even shorter than this one!"

"Mmmm fine! What about that one? He's not very short, taller than you at least, looks built and friendly."

"Yeah! He does!"

"Well go get him!"

   I saw her moving forward to talk to the guy but quickly turned around like she forgot something and headed back my way.  I was gonna ask what happened but a girl popped out of nowhere and kissed him.

"Yeahhhh, that guy is taken."

"Aww, sorry.  He was really cute.  Let's go to a different side of the mall so people don't think we're stalking them."

"But we are stalking them." Melanie said.

"Nooo no no.  We're not stalking 'them'... just one at a time."

"Same thing!"

"Do you want a boyfriend or not?!"

"Yeah." She said sadly.

"Then stop correcting me!" We both start laughing.

      We ended up going to the food court hoping someone would come talk to her while we ate or just sat at the table but no luck; we were going to leave but then she got up and said, "Him! That's the one!"

     I looked up trying to see who she was staring at; I could only see the  back of him but that's all I needed to see to want to leave.

"No, that's not the one for you."

"Why not? What's wrong with him?"

"Come on, we have to go."

"Why?! Do you know him or do you just want him for yourself?"

"No Melanie, I don't want him for myself but can we please leave before he comes over here?"

     Too late, we made eye contact and he start walking over towards us.  I said, "You can stay here if you want but I have to go."  I got up and start moving through the crowd trying to find my way out of the mall until he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.

"Harmony, is everything okay?  Do you know who this is?"

  I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

"I've been looking for you everywhere; we need to talk."

"So you do know one another." Melanie spoke.

"Yes.  We know each other.  Melanie... Meet Christian."

Foster father? Lover?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin