Part 25

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I must have blacked out because I awoke in a different room I've never been in before. I was frightened by the person I saw in front of me. She was bleeding and had cuts and bruises all over. Her shirt was ripped up and I could see how skinny she had gotten. It took me a while to see the girl before me was me. I had been looking in a mirror and did not even recognize myself. I can barely move from all the pain and didn't even want to try for the pain I felt inside. I finally got my mother back after all this time, believing she was dead just to find her and lose her in the same day. She risked her life for me once more and I couldn't save her. I couldn't save her from her life before I left, while she was suffering all these years with that bastard and couldn't save her when she needed me to the most. I don't know where I am nor believe anyone else does. They will never find me and I will die here with this man that I despise more than anyone in this world. I laid back on the floor and waited. For what? I don't know. I closed my eyes and must have dozed off. When I opened my eyes next, the room was dark and he was in the room with me watching me as I slept.

"Please just kill me now. Or once I get the strength, I will do it myself."

"I could never kill you Harmony. You are the person I love most in this world. I'm sorry about your mother. It wasn't my intention to kill her."

"It wasn't your intention?! That is all you have to say for yourself? It wasn't your fucking intention?!"

"I loved your mother once. I kept her alive all these years. I didn't mean to kill her but she gave me no choice. We can have a funeral if you want once you're feeling better."

"What in the hell is wrong with you? Where did you put her? Why did you keep her from me all these years? Can't you let me go? I have nothing left. Nothing I can give you. Not even myself. You have left me broken."

"In time, you'll feel better. Once you get to know the real me and not this monster you believe I am. I really do love you and I always have. I love you more than anyone in this world. Why can't you see that you were put on this Earth for me?.. I'll come back in a bit to check on you. Is there anything I can get you?"

"You could bring my death."

"Never that." He chuckled.

"At least a bed then and blankets. I'm freezing."

"That I can do. Come with me."

I could barely sit up let alone walk. He came over and picked me up and we start walking down the long hallway once more. It took everything I had to stay awake and pay attention to anything. Any and every door. If there was any way out of here. We came up to a green door, as green as tree leaves. It gave me comfort for some reason. He walked us into the room and it looked just like my childhood room just without any of my stuffed toys and my bedspread was green and white instead of the vibrant purple ones I used to have.

There was a forest painted on the walls that had deer eating, butterfly and birds flying. The sky was dark, kind of like a sunset. Beautiful pink, orange and red. If I didn't hate where I was at, I would have loved this room. Although I was more at ease. I just wanted to get in bed and sleep. He placed me gently on the bed and my whole body felt like it went into shock with all the pain.

"I hope this will make you feel better. I tried to keep it as close to the replica of your room as I could. From what I remembered. Obviously, you're not a child anymore but I thought you'd like something familiar. I'll come back again. Get some rest."

I cuddled into the warm soft covers and I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.


"Harmony honey? Come over and play with me baby."

"I'm coming mom!" I screamed excitedly.

"Shhh baby. You're gonna scare them away. Do you see the baby?"

I look over and I see deer! A mother and a fawn. They were bent down eating and they stopped to look up at us. I slowly start walking up to them and I swear I was as close to them as I was my mother. I reached my hand out to touch them but they ran away last second.

My mother and I were so amazed I got that close and we giggled like crazy walking home thinking about it.

"My mother used to take me here when I was younger too. Your grandmother always loved the outdoors and wanted us to appreciate life. She was always drawing and painting trees and butterflies. She made us sit in the dark with her while it rained just so we could hear the rain patter against the roof and see the most beautiful lightning storms. We didn't appreciate it much growing up but now that she's gone.. it's one of my favorite things to do. We'd run outside without shoes just enjoying the water no matter how cold it was, kicking water around and jumping in puddles. I want you to have beautiful memories of me when I'm gone."

"Gone? Where are you going?"

"Well one day when you're old and grown, there will come a day when I won't be around anymore. I will close my eyes and I will be safely asleep for eternity and you can always come visit me. Visit me when you're sad, when you need someone to talk to, when you're happy and can't wait to share news with me. I'll be here listening."

"Like Sleeping Beauty?!"

"Yes baby, like Sleeping Beauty. But there will be no Prince to wake me."

"I don't think that's very fair. I'll make sure I find one for you."

"Thank you baby. I love you so very much."

"I love you mommy."


I woke with tears running down my face. For a moment, I forgot my mother was dead. When will this Hell ever end?

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