Biker Baby | Chapter Twelve

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Twelve

"I saw the whole incident Mr. Purcell," Blake sat in the chair beside Isabelle. She held an icepack on her bloody, busted knuckles. "Mackenzie hit Isabelle first and Isabelle was just defending herself," the Dean didn't look as if he was convinced. He watched Isabelle cautiously as if she was going to attack him. But Isabelle sat hunched over, her stomach in knots as she waited for her father to come through the door.

"Mr.Purcell, you know full well how aggressive Kenzie is, especially when it comes to sports, she has fought some girls on and off the court, but-" the principal cut him off.

"I am well aware of Miss Justin's track record. I don't need you to plead a case to me, you are dismissed Mr. Iverson," Blake looked down at Isabelle in pity and quickly stepped from the room. The door closed quietly and she caught a glimpse of the girl Mackenzie in the nurses office across the hall. She was glaring at Isabelle. And inside, Isabelle knew this wasn't going to be the last time she saw this girl.

"Miss McBride," she turned her head to the principal, his gray eyes were watching her cautiously.

"I don't know why you thought that you could come to my school and get in a fight on your second week of school, but I won't stand for it," Isabelle wanted to say something smart, but she sealed her lips shut and half listened to the man. He pointed a finger at her. "I will not tolerate violence, especially against one of my star players," his eyes widened when he realized what he said. Ooh. So that is why he is so angry at me.

"I didn't start it," she replied back. The anger seemed to roar in his eyes as he stood up. His black office chair hitting the tinted window behind him.

"I don't care who started it!" he shouted. His face was turning red and she got scared for a second. She prayed that her father got here, and quickly.

"I want you to stay away from Mackenzie, don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even breath near her." He snapped. Isabelle looked at him wide eyed. "You understand me?" Isabelle watched him for a while before shrugging in reply. She didn't care what this man thought and she didn't care who he was. He obviously cared more about his sports team then the actual well-beings of the students of this school.

"Miss McBride..." He walked around his desk and stood directly in front of Isabelle. She scooted the plush leather seat back, he was too close for her comfort. And it was obvious the man didn't like her.

"I have a... let's say a friend in the Jean Police Department," he looked at Isabelle, and she curled her hand in her lap. "And he isn't afraid of taking minors and locking them up, and adding a few things to their records," Isabelle immediately got the hint. If she fought Mackenzie again, or any of his other basketball stars. He'd have her arrested and tossed into juvenile hall.

"And from what I hear. They send the violent kids to the big house, not juvie." Scratch that. She'd go to jail.

"You get what I'm saying?" He asked. Her eyes brows lifted in surprise and nodded her head. He didn't scare her, and neither did his "friend." Everyone knew that Mackenzie hit her first and she wasn't going to let that little detail slide.

"Everyone knows I didn't swing first," she replied. He frowned at her statement and bravado. "I have the school cameras, witnesses and teachers to say what really happened. And judging by the looks of her in the nurses office, she's going to come after me again. And she's going to get the same treatment if she touches me. You can threaten me all you want, but you don't scare me. So maybe, you should warn your star player before coming straight after me, because I was the victim in this situation."

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