Biker Baby | Chapter Ten

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Lucy_Pearl Copyright © 2016

Chapter Ten

Jacks and a few other club members, including Wylie and Gus stood outside of the old karaoke bar. Waiting for Ingrid Justin to wander outside. They were going to snatch her quickly and then go. They had a van in the alley and guns if anyone tried to stop them. Jacks checked his watch; 11:57 p.m. What the hell was this woman doing in a karaoke bar around midnight?

They stood against the door casually, no one was out tonight. It was Monday night, or Tuesday morning if you want to be specific. From outside you could here the belligerent drunks inside, screaming and singing along to their favorite songs. Jacks rolled his eyes in annoyance and let out an angry sigh. She better stumble here ass out now, or he was going in there. It was hard not to go in there as it is and blow the whole place up.

He heard the door open and he looked to Riley across from him. The poor guy was nervous as hell but he'd have to grow the fuck up.

"You got the chloroform?" Jacks asked him. Riley nodded and pulled the cloth and bottle from his back pocket. Jacks grabbed the items from him as three women stepped out of the bar, and one of them just happened to be Ingrid. It was 12:03 am.

"It was great seeing you Gigi!" Ingrid smiled and waved away her friends. They crossed the street–stumbled across the street. Ingrid stumbled in her heels and almost fell, she sucked her teeth and slipped off the heels. She was completely oblivious to the group of men that stood about ten feet away. She stumbled passed them and gave one a drunk smile.

They looked at her weird, but she thought the big blonde one was cute. When she finally passed them she let out a breath of air. She heard movement behind her and then arms wrapped around her, and a cloth covered her face. Like any other person she tried to take in some air, but the sweetness of it lulled her to sleep.

Her last thought before she welcomed the dark, I shouldn't have smiled at the blonde.

Jacks quickly picked up the unconscious Ingrid and waited for the van to pull out of the alley. He heard gun shots first, then he saw the five men step out of an alley across the street. Fuck! Guinnes' men were here. He turned to Wylie as the older man looked to him. They nodded at each other as Wylie pulled out his guns and started to shoot back. Riley quickly joined in, then Gus and then the rest of the other men.

Jacks loaded the woman in the car and Andrew, another member, looked back in worry. He looked down at the woman and then to Jacks. He heard the gun shots out side and Jacks quickly slammed the door closed. He looked out to see what was happening and he saw that his men still stood, but Wylie was only shooting with one arm, his other shot.

Jacks pulled out his gun and started to aim for the heads of the last standing three men. He got one down, and his body folded. He didn't feel any remorse for the dead guy, it was kill or be killed when it came to turf wars such as this. The other two saw their fallen comrades and started to back away. And finally they took off running, shooting back a couple of times. Cowards.

When they finally disappeared, everyone got in their designated car and peeled out. They all went opposite ways, but they all knew where to meet up at.

When Jacks finally arrived at the safe house, the whole place was silent. It has been years since he had to use it. It was a good forty five minutes away from his Bar in Jean, but it was hours away from his home in Las Vegas. He didn't want any connection tied to his home there.

The van pulled up to the small home and he pulled the door open. He gathered the still unconscious Ingrid in his arms and got out the van. He was just walking up to the house when the roar of motorcycles and cars sounded in the distance. That better have been his club or this was the end. He saw the familiar head lights of the black El Dorado and he nodded. They made it. He unlocked the front door and kicked it open, he walked into the empty house. The smell of stale air, dust and old furniture made the house stink.

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