Chapter 29

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Oh my lordy! I am exhausted but i wanted to finish and publish this chapter tonight, so here it is! I hope you enjoyed it! Mwah! xx-S

Together, we raced back to shore. Laughing and splashing around until our eyes settled on the scene taking place a few metres from shore.

My breath caught in my throat. I felt Whippet place his hand on my board to help get me to shore.

The boys Mother...she was still hysterical...

My eyes moved towards the crowd of people who were surrounding the crowd of lifesavers who were crowded around the little boy.

As soon as my feet his the sand I started running

"What happened!?" I asked

Maxi stood back from where Hoppo was using pumping oxygen into the boys mouth as Chappo continued to perform CPR.

"It's okay, Sam. They just-"

"No! Obviously it is not okay!" I yelled, my voice harsher than expected "I thought he was okay. He wasn't in the water and you said that you got him. I thought..I thought-"

Spluttering and coughing sounded from the crowd and I pushed my way through once more.

A cry of hysteria came from the Mother who pushed towards her breathing son. Chappo sat back from the scene, his face pasty white and shaking. Harries and Azza helped him up and took him back a few metres.

Maxi's grip on me weakened and I exhaled in relief.

The crowd around us started clapping, which only caused my head to thump even more. But they soon started clearing away.

The sound of an ambulance siren blared in the distance.

Thunder clamped overhead and raindrops began to fall with more haste.

Hoppo ordered for Jesse and Taco to take the boy on the Rhino back up to the tower to meet the ambulance and to take the mother with them.


I turned around to the sound of Hoppo calling my name. "Can you help Whip bring in the flags?"

I looked towards Whippet who was making his way to the flags a little way down the beach. The rain began to fall harder.

I nodded my head and started towards the flags.

The rain began to pour, soaking every inch of my body and blurring my vision.

"Let me carry that"

Without even being aware I was carrying it, let alone remembering that I pulled it out of the sand, Whippet took the flagpole from my arms and carried them the rest of the way to the Rhino.

"Are you okay?" Whippet asked once we were in the Rhino and semi-shielded from the downpour

"Yeah" I said nodding my head

Whippets hand suddenly found mine, giving it a small squeeze "Sam, we are going to be married. Therefore you need to be able to talk to me about what's on your mind. I wish you didn't have to see that, I wish I could protect you from all the bad things in the world, but sometimes that is never possible. So talk to me, okay? You don't have to right now. But when you are ready, talk to me"

I nodded my head and gave his hand three little squeezes,





After bringing the flags back to the Tower, we all kind of went our separate ways and closed the beach for the day.

"What do you want for dinner?" Whip asked as we pulled out of the beach parking lot

I shrugged "Im not really sure, what do you feel like?"

"Fish and chips?" He suggested, looking at me out of the corner of his eye

I nodded my head "sounds good"

We pulled into the fish and chips shop and 12 minutes later we were pulling back out of it.

30 seconds later we pulled into the apartment and made our way upstairs. I followed Whip into the apartment and put the chips on the coffee table. Whippet reappeared from our bedroom and chucked one of his hoodies at me "Put that on so you don't catch a chill" he said sitting himself on the couch next to me and reaching to open the butchers paper wrapped takeaway.

Finding ourselves surprisingly hungry, we downed the whole thing and sat on the couch watching bad soap's on channel 7.

At 8 o'clock a yawn escaped my lips and after glancing at the clock, I decided it was time for a shower and to get into bed for an early night.

After alerting Whip that I was going to jump in the shower, I made my way into our bedroom and grabbed a tshirt and shorts.

It was still raining when I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the tap and let it run, the running water matching with the sounds of the pouring rain outside the window. Cupping the cool water in my hands I splashed my face, trying to get the awful picture of that little boy lying lifeless on the beach out of my mind. Moving into the shower I let the steaming hot water run over my exhausted body.

15 minutes later I managed to remove myself from the warmth and sanctity of the shower and get changed into my special sleeping attire.

By the time I had settled into bed, Whippet had already jumped in and out of the shower and was readying himself to jump into bed as well.

A cool whip of air sent goose bumps all over my skin when Whip pulled the covers up to slide in next to me. Wrapping his arm around me, he pulled me in close and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to talk to me yet?"

I blinked and continued to stare at the wall.

A little while passed and I felt his grip on me weaken

I took a deep breath

"Ever since I was a little girl, ive wanted a family..a big family. Ive dreamed about the whole white picket fence and manicured lawns for as long as I can remember...Even, even when I was with Mark"

I felt his grip tense and I winced

"But today, seeing that little boy on the beach with his Mother screaming and crying. So vulnerable"

I turned over so I was face to face with Whip, his eyes soft.

"It scared me.. It scared because I saw how easy it is to lose something... to lose someone" Tears began to rise and sting my eyes "I don't want to feel like that, Whip. I need something stable and I need you to promise me that nothing will ever happen. That you will never leave and that you will always be here"


His hand touched my face "It's okay"

Another tear escaped and he wiped it away nearly as fast as it fell

"Im never going to leave you. I don't want to leave you. I will be here, and I will be here for as long as you want me and even longer, okay?"

I nodded my head and he took me in his arms

"God I love you, Sam"

We stayed like that for a while, until I felt sleep and tiredness creep up on me. I was almost asleep, with Whip's arms still wrapped tightly around me when he opened his mouth and said

"Marry me"

"I am" I smiled, half asleep

"No... Marry me tomorrow"


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