Chapter 25

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"How do you think they are going to react?" I asked, fingering my ring. I glanced at Whippet as he pulled on his blue shirt

"I'm not sure" he replied

"Don't be nervous" He said, I felt him move towards me and arms wrapped around my waist.

"I know it will be fine" I smiled as he adjusted his chin on my shoulder as we both gazed down at the rock vacating my ring finger.

"Of course it will be… Now, lets get going"

He gave me quick peck on the cheek and removed himself from my bubble.

"Are you all ready to go?" He asked, looking back to me

"Yep!" I chirped, giving him a little pat on the cheek as I walked past him and out the door.

He shook his head and smiled, "What have I gotten myself into?"


"Are you ready?" Whip asked as we began to ascend the stairs to the lifeguard tower

"I think so" I replied, following behind him

When we reached the top, he took my hand in his and gave me three soft squeezes which I returned. He flashed me one of those award-winning smiles, and It hit me that I was going to be able to see that smile everyday on for the rest of my life.

"Hola!" Harries voice sang as we entered

"Hey" Whip and I replied in sync

"How was the show?" Chappo asked, as he stirred his coffee with one of those little wooden sticks

"It was fabulous!!" I cried, flinging my arms into the air

Then It happened…

Maxi froze.

"What is that?"

I froze.

I lowered my arms

Small gasps escaped the few mouths in the room



Before I could finish, I was embraced and swung around by the arms of Jesse and soon everyone was on their feet.

Maxi grabbed up my left hand and examined the ring closely. He then gave what looked like a nod of approval and turned to Whip. "You did well, mate. Congrats"

I smiled as they shook hands and did that manly half-hug thing that boys always do.

"So how did he do it?" Mouse asked after everyone had calmed down.

"Well" I began seating myself on the bench at the front of the tower "We were walking back to the car after the show had finished and we were holding hands and I was talking, when suddenly Whippet lets go of my hand and stops walking"

"Which she doesn't notice" Whippet added

"Oh shush you" I hushed

He smiled as I continued "But when I did notice" I shot a playful glare at him which made him smile even wider "I turned around and there he was"

Goosebumps covered my arms as I recalled that moment in my mind. "And as cheesy as it sounds….the rest is history"

"Yaaaayyyy!" Jesse sang, as they gave a round of applause

"So whats the date?" Bisho asked

I looked over at Whip and he smiled and shrugged "No idea" I laughed

"Alright, alright...thats enough wedding planning for today. Let's get to work" Hoppo spoke, calling the room to order and reminding us why we were really there.

Everyone bustled around and Whip and a few of the guys headed down to set up the flags and whatnot.

Hoppo approached me as I got down off the bench. "I'm very happy for you, Sam"

"Aww thank you" I said as he wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me. "Whippet is a very lucky man. And he knows it. I wish you both the best. You deserve the world, my dear and I know he will do his best to give you just that"

I bit my cheek to keep the tears back as we pulled away

"Thank you, Hop. Without you….i wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have met Whip and who knows where I would be"

He nodded and gave me a soft kiss on the head

Before moving away and following the other guys out the door.

"It's just you and me today" Chappo smiled, taking another sip of his coffee

"Fabulous" I replied setting myself down in a chair and watching the first few people search for a sandy spot to plant themselves for the day ahead.

I know, i know its bad! And i am super sorry! Holidays have just started and i wanted to give you guys something! 

I have discovered that i am really bad at ending chapters... they always seem to end this way! That is something i will endeavour to work on! 

Pretty please comment and let me know what you think of this chapter! It motivates me to write more!! I hope you liked it xxx Mwah! -S  

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