Ch. 12 Mamma Mia

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The next couple days were kind of crazy.

Dr. Hamilton and I studied like crazy. We were sitting in the cafeteria on Thanksgiving Eve when a doctor came up to us.

"Dr. Malone?" he smiled. He had red hair and blue eyes. He wore scrubs.

"Yes, hi."

"I'm Dr. Hart, the Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon."

"Dr. Hart?" I smirked.

"Yeah, I know. It's as cliche as the orthopedic surgeons named Dr. Walker, but it's my name. Anyway, Friday morning, if you come in during pre-rounds, I'll help you study your cardio-thoracic portion. You've not worked with me since you've been here," he smiled.


He nodded. "Then, Dr. Walker in Ortho will work with you Sunday."

"Okay. Thank you."

He nodded and walked away.

I looked at Dr. Hamilton.

She smiled and took a bite of salad. "So have you told him, yet?"

"Told who what?"

"Have you told Jake you have feelings for him?" she smiled.

"Since our conversation in the on-call room a few days ago? No, I haven't. I don't know how or when I should tell him."

"Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. The boy's in a hospital. Give him a little something to be thankful for," she smiled.

"Kelly," I smiled.

"You're going to make one fine daughter-in-law."


"What? It's true," she smiled.

My pager buzzed. Betsy.

"I have to go."

"I'll come. We can check on the boys."

We dumped our trays and went to the main nurses' station.

"Bridget Malone. She's an intern. Jesus, I thought you people were supposed to be smart!" a woman shouted.

I knew the voice. I quickly turned and started to walk away.

"Bridgey!" she shouted.

I froze and turned. I faked a smile and squealed, "Mom! What are you doing here?"

She hugged me. "Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Lou said you were working, so I came to see you here. I hope you don't have a busy day."

"I do. I'm working."

My pager buzzed again. Jake.

I looked at Dr. Hamilton. "It's Jake."

"I'll bring your mom. You go."

I ran up the stairs and ran down the hallway. I ran until I got to his room and went in, expecting to see him coding.

"Britt!" he smiled. "Hey, come here!"

"You're not dying?"

"Not today."

"You're not coding or having a reaction?"


"Then, what the hell? I ran here, thinking you were hurt," I breathed.

"Your dad and I think-"

I looked at my dad. "Don't get my dad thinking. This is wildly weird. My dad cannot be friends with my patients. It's weird and it breaks so many rules."

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