♡15. You Change Your Perspective♡

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You change your perspective,
As the seasons come and go.
I wish you were a little introspective,
Unlike throwing pebbles on my sand castle.

You mold your words,
According to your convenience.
Evilly, your envy floods,
Every time I do a good deed.

I go left,
You say, “Take your right.”
I go right,
You say, “Stay put.”
I touch the skies,
But you dare to slash my wings.

You spread rumors,
Like it's a game of Chinese whisper.
But you tend to forget,
That they are all my team players.

You change your perspective,
But I will hold onto mine,
Because it is subjective.

Written on: 19th May, 2024

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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