The Demon's interrogation.

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Chapter 1. Awakening.
P16: The Demon's interrogation.

Neoma, after staring down at me, turned around with me facing her back.
“Why did you come to my domain uninvited?” She asked.
I took a step forward closer to her.
“I have questions that need to be answered,” I replied.
“Why would I need to answer you?” Neoma was asking with a disinterested tone.
I needed to play my cards right here. If I made the wrong move, Neoma would have just asked me to leave.
“Since my awakening, I encountered two demonic situations,” I explained.
Neoma’s interest was piqued.
“What did you say?” She turned her head to face me.
“I fought an applicant during the enrolment exam using an ore housing a demon inside it, almost consuming him. The second encounter was her Mother,” I pointed at Leyla who was upset when she was reminded of almost losing her mother to a demon.
“Impossible, I forbade demons from ever leaving hell,” Neoma was still the same as I remembered. It will take a lot of convincing to make her see the truth.
“It's true,” Leyla bravely walked up to her from behind.
Neoma stared down at Leyla giving her full attention.
“I saw my mother's soul almost being consumed by a demon, and this demon would have succeeded if it weren't for Cassius,” Leyla's face showed determination and she didn't back down making clear to Neoma that Leyla spoke the truth.
“When I sent the first demon back to hell I marked him with my magic. If you allow it I can summon the demon right in front of you,” I told Neoma.
“Very well,” Neoma nodded.
I looked toward Emma who was standing further back watching us in silence.
“Emma, could you please take them both outside? I don't want them to see what is about to happen,” I asked Emma.
“It's fine we don't–,” Cecilia was cut off by me.
“-No Cecilia, you shouldn't see this next part,” I told her firmly.
“Very well Vampire Lord I shall do as you ask,” Emma corrected her glasses and opened the throne room's doors.
Leyla and Cecilia left with Emma, while they made their way out I didn't want them to be bored and gave them an assignment…
“While you two wait outside, do the magic combination task Edmar gave us,” I told them as a little joke to lighten their moods.
“Very funny,” Cecilia said with sarcasm.
Leyla and Cecilia walked out with Emma following them, closing the doors behind.
Now it was just me and Neoma.
“By all means Cassius please begin,” She said, unable to wait longer.
I stretched out my hand at the floor casting a bright white magic circle.
“Huh?!” A figure said who was sitting inside the magic circle.
It was the demon whom I encountered during the exams. His appearance was different and that's because demons outside of hell have no physical form; they exist as black smoke until they can possess a victim by consuming their soul.
“Remember me?” I asked.
The demon looked at me and looked surprised.
“It's you…The bastard who sent me back,” He said in anger.
I stared up at Neoma.
“And there you have it, a confession from the demon himself,” I explained while smirking. It felt good seeing her proven wrong.
The demon looked over to see Neoma who he hadn't noticed until now.
“Lo-Lord?” The demon said in a panicked voice.
Neoma’s expression was pure anger.
“I gave demons one rule never to leave hell. You chose to break that rule. I want to know why you defied me!” Neoma walked closer to the demon.
The demon was flustered and looked at me with hatred for bringing him into this situation.
“It's all your fault!” The demon pointed at me yelling loudly with rage.
Feeling cornered, the demon was well aware that he wouldn't survive this situation and aimed his anger at me and did something rash, “IF I GO DOWN THEN I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN WITH ME!” The demon summoned a sword and lunged toward me with immense speed with the tip of the sword aimed at my heart.
Drops of my blood dropped on the floor.
The sword pierced my heart and was stuck in my body.
“Haha, you will die and be stuck here for eternity,” The demon said with laughter.
Vampires can regenerate many wounds that would be lethal to Humans and Werewolves but even a destroyed heart cannot be regenerated.
But unfortunately for him, I wasn't a normal vampire.
I grabbed him by the throat and raised him into the air.
“H-How are you still alive?” The demon asked while struggling kicking his legs desperately.
“It takes more than that to get rid of me,” I said while pulling out the sword with my free arm.
I dropped the demon on the ground holding on to the sword I just pulled out.
As soon as the sword was pulled out of my chest both my heart and chest wound were instantly regenerated.
I held the tip of the sword at his neck.
“You will answer our questions,” I threatened with my orange eyes beginning to glow.
Neoma who stood by also got involved.
“I'll ask again, why did you choose to disobey me?” Neoma asked. It was clear that she was agitated.
The demon smiled mockingly, “There are things that not even you have control over Lord, I was tired of being in hell and wanted freedom,” He said.
I also had a question to ask, “It's clear that you inhabited the ore that the applicant used during my duel with him, my question is: Who transported you outside of hell while you inhabited the ore?”
“I'll never answer you, Vampire scum,” He said with a sinister smile.
Neoma walked forward toward the demon.
“I've heard enough, you won't answer and I am tired of you,” She said with a much calmer tone than I expected.
“Be gone,” She waved her hand slightly and the demon was no more.
“Why did you do that?!” I asked in slight frustration.
I couldn't bring him back with Elixis because demons have no souls.
“Don't worry, I will get to the bottom of this,” She reassured.
She sounded too calm about this. I had to explain the situation to her more clearly, “Do you know what this means Neoma? Demons have a way of leaving hell by using other methods than possessing people,”
“I'm not a fool and know full well that this is a serious issue, I will personally investigate this matter,” She said while stroking her chin.
For now, I had no choice but to trust her words but this was not the only question I needed an answer to.
There was a question on my mind that was more important to me.
“Neoma, I have one more question that I need answered,”
I believed Neoma knew full well what the question was, “Go ahead ask it,” She said facing me with a smirk.
“Did you help Dracula in betraying me?”

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