Leyla's hardship.

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Chapter 1. Awakening.
P11: Leyla's hardship.

A week had passed since I enrolled at the academy.
During the time Cecilia became closer with me and Leyla, she even changed her seat sitting one table ahead of us.
During non-class hours, I spend a large portion of time training them both in magic.
Both of them have incredible potential it would have been a shame to let that go to waste.
We were now in a training session inside the magic academy's Colosseum.
“AHHHH!” Cecilia shouted as she got knocked to the ground by my flames.
“Your magic barrier needs work,” I told her.
I sensed a presence behind me.
I reached out my hand and grabbed Leyla by her arm who used the stealth magic spell nul.
“Huh?” Leyla said with surprise.
“Nice try but my eyes can't be this easily tricked,” I told her, throwing her on the ground.
Cecilia and Leyla were both on the floor in pain.
“You two improved quite a bit—but you have a long road ahead until you have maximised your potential,” I told them.
Both of them got on their feet.
“You could have gone easier you know,” Cecilia said, distorting her face in pain.
“I held back to the best of my abilities,” I replied with a smile.
Cecilia's cheeks began to bubble up to my response.
“What are you two planning for today?” Cecilia asked.
“I have nothing planned particularly,” I replied and we both looked toward Leyla.
Leyla began to forcefully smile.
“I have something planned, sorry I cannot hang out with you two,” She said with a forced chuckle.
Leyla began to walk away from us.
Cecilia and I looked at each other.
“Did you also notice that she leaves the academy almost every day for the past few days?” Cecilia asked with curiosity.
“I did,” I replied to her as we walked inside the academy's main building.
“Aren't you curious what she does during those times?” Cecilia asked.
“If Leyla doesn't talk about it of her own free will then we should respect that and not pry into her private life,” I told Cecilia, it's not up to me to intrude in her matters.
I just hoped she knew that she could rely on us both if she needed help.
But I would be lying if I said that I'm not curious.
The next day Cecilia, Leyla and I walked within the academy's corridors making our way to class.
As we walked, Leyla began to freeze up.
“Huh?!” She tensed up and began to shake with her eyes wide open.
She tugged on my jacket.
“Can we go a different way?” She asked quietly with a soft voice.
“What's the matter?” Cecilia asked in a worried tone.
Leyla looked straight ahead with fear.
I looked where Leyla gazed.
Many students were passing through the corridors but one of them stood out.
A tall student with red hair and a small earring on his right earlobe was surrounded by girls who had a liking for him.
“Who is he?” I asked Cecilia since asking Leyla in her current state was not advisable.
“Are you joking? He's the heir to the Cranos family, Randol Cranos he's also a second year at the academy” Cecilia replied in a whisper.
Cranos was also a noble family heavily focused on the military, them being in this era meant that they also betrayed me.
“Please let's go the other way,” Leyla looked at me in desperation.
I had never seen her like this before she was totally shaken up.
“It's okay we will go the other way,” Cecilia put her hand on Leyla's back.
We turned around walking from where we came from.
“Leyla!” A male voice called out from behind.
Leyla recognised that voice and did not turn around instead her shivering increased.
I and Cecilia turned around to see Randol standing in front of us with his entourage of girls behind looking at us with disgust.
The other students looked at the scene with interest because Randol, who had a high status, would call out someone insignificant in their eyes.
“Leyla, it's rude to ignore your fiance,” Randol said.
Everyone who heard was shocked to hear that.
The girls behind Randol freaked out hearing that Leyla was engaged to their idol.
Leyla turned around facing the ground instead of Randol.
“How's your mother doing these days? Still alive?” He asked with a smirk.
She walked past him quickly taking quick and large steps forward.
She wanted to get out of the situation as quickly as possible.
Randol turned as she passed and pulled her hair.
“AHH!” Leyla cried in pain.
Cecilia ground her teeth in anger.
“HEY!” Cecilia yelled loudly.
Randol faced her.
“Cecilia Bloodfallen. What can I do for you?” He asked with a smirk.
“You can let go of her hair,” She replied with a firm tone.
“Haha, or what?” Randol asked in a condescending tone.
Cecilia clenched both her fists; her knuckles looked like they were about to pop out her skin.
Randol looked at her fists.
“We both know you can't beat me,” Randol said confidentiality.
Cecilia didn't want to admit it but he was right in her eyes.
I sensed a decent amount of magic power from him but it wasn't close to the magic that came from Leyla and Cecilia.
The conclusion that I came to was that he was better at using his magic.
“Hey!” I called out.
Randol looked at me.
“And who are you?” He asked me with a disgusting smile.
Before I answered I already stood beside Leyla.
“What? How did you get there that quickly?” Randol asked in disbelief.
I grabbed Randol's wrist and began to squeeze it.
“Let go or I'll crush your wrist,” I threatened.
“AHH!” Randol was in pain and struggled to free his wrist.
He let go of her hair and I let go of his wrist.
He then grabbed his wrist with his other hand.
The girls ran up to him in concern.
“Are you okay Randol?”
“Is his beautiful hand alright?”
“I'll cast healing magic,”
Cecilia quickly came to us.
“Leyla, it's alright,” Cecilia hugged Leyla.
Randol grunted in pain behind me.
“You bastard…you broke my wrist bone,” He said, holding his wrist.
“Sorry about that. I tried to hold back,” I replied.
“Why won't my bones regenerate?” He asked in pain.
The girls looked concerned.
“Healing magic doesn't work,” The girls realised that their healing magic had no effect.
It was futile. Injuries caused by me aren't able to heal and regenerate.
I raised my arm forward at Randol and cast Rimiel the healing spell.
A green light engulfed Randol's wrist.
In an instant, all the pain was gone and his wrist was healed.
I walked up to him and the girls.
I leaned my face inches away from his.
“Now…listen and listen well I will only say this once. Stay away from Leyla, I don't care who you are, I don't care about your nobility, I don't care that you two are engaged but I do care about her. If I see you lay a hand on her beautiful hair again then you will answer to me,” I laid out to him in a firm tone.
I lifted my head and began to walk toward Cecilia and Leyla who had calmed down.
“Let's go, we don't want to be late for class,” I told them both.
Randol was furious at being embarrassed by me like that in front of the students.
“I'll make you pay for that,” Randol mumbled in anger.
We sat in class.
“Are you alright Leyla?” Cecilia asked.  She wanted to make sure that Leyla recovered from the incident.
“Yeah, thank you both,” Leyla replied with a smile.
“Leyla, you can count on us both. If you need to talk about anything just know that we will listen,” I said to her.
Leyla thought about something.
“Would you come to my home after class?” She asked us both.
Cecilia and I looked at each other for a brief moment.
“Of course we will,” Cecilia replied.
“Is there anything important at your house?” I asked Leyla.
Leyla was quiet for a few seconds.
“There is someone I want you to meet,” She explained.

Hello readers. Hope you are well.
I have such fun writing the series and I hope you have fun reading it.
I kindly ask if you could leave some feedback. It will help me to improve as an author and see what you like and dislike.
Thank you for your time.

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