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Rubab's POV

I woke up feeling Taha's hand caressing my belly.

Pain filled my senses, realizing that I am not able to give him a child.

But before I could say anything, our eyes met, and my heart hurt seeing his eyes in pain.

"Good morning, Taha," I said, kissing his forehead.

"Subh bakhayr, biwi," he replied, kissing my forehead too.

I smiled, but the sparkle is not present in my smile.

"Get ready, you have to go to college," he said, giving a light kiss on my lips.

"Taha..." I was about to say, but he continued.

"Biwi, get ready, understood?" he asked, getting up from bed.

I groaned in irritation.

I hate going to college. Not because I hate studying, but because they don't allow hijab on campus.

Argh, why is Turkey becoming too secular?

But, me being me, I use my abaya stall to cover my hair, but to my bad luck, it doesn't cover it completely.

I know Allah will forgive me because I am not doing this willingly. I just want my political science degree to be accomplished as soon as possible because now I hate the environment in college.

Because lots of men approach me there, which fuels me to the core. For God's sake, I am married.

Argh, mumma, why can't you become like Anam Khala? But no, you have to become a politician.

"Have a good day, princess," I smile hearing Mumani's voice.

Reaching the campus, I walked directly towards my class because, according to me, it's not necessary to hear him out.

"For God's sake, I am a political science student. Why are they forcing us to listen to a businessman's success story?"

"They should invite a politician or maybe Sir Tayyip Erdogan for our motivation."

But to my bad luck, all lectures are off today, and I am determined to not attend that VIP guest's success speech.

So, I took my things and walked towards the garden.

Baran's POV

I was walking towards the open hall where I had to deliver my speech.

It's the most irritating thing to do, but my stupid P.A arranged this, thinking it would be great to interact with people as I recently returned from LA and barely know anyone.

I was walking when my feet halted, seeing a girl coming towards me.

She looks like a hoor, her emerald green Abaya hiding all her curves perfectly, and some hairs falling on her face. My breath hitched seeing those pair of green orbs, which seem oblivious  to their surroundings right now.

But wait, she is not walking towards me; instead, she turns left.

I was so captivated by her beauty that my feet are walking on their own.

Reaching there, which is a garden indeed, I hide behind bushes as I don't want to get caught. Damn, I am the VIP guest today.

But I can't help it; her beauty seems unreal.

She finds a place under a heavy-leaved tree and settles comfortably.

But one thing I noticed is her hand is going constantly on her belly. Maybe she is on her period.

She was sitting there peacefully with her head leaning on the trunk of the tree, with feet laying on the grass completely straight.

She mumbled something while caressing her belly.

And her cuteness makes me chuckle.

I am sure she is on her period, but what is she doing here alone when the whole college is waiting for me in that open hall?

My gaze again fell on her green orbs and then traveled to her lips and neck and rested on the swell of her breasts, but I can't see the plumpness of her as she is wearing a really loose Abaya.

Who wears Abaya these days, that too in Turkey?

Seeing her there sitting with her hands caressing her belly again and again, some desires took place in my mind.

And all I wanted right now is to bed her and tear that loose clothes from her body and see her bare form.

I gulp, clearing my not so holy thoughts.

But I can't help it; I am a man, and she is like a piece of meat for a hungry wolf.

I was staring at her with lustful eyes, but she is oblivious to my continuous stare and doing her work of caressing her belly again and again while talking to herself.

She is an innocent flower but with a scent of temptation.

My phone vibrates, and I take it out.

"Baran sir, where are you?" My P.A asked

"Coming," I curtly reply.

Control, Baran,  She is just a college student, for God's sake. I scold myself.


How's the chapter?

Like my VIP guests Baran arsalan?

😂 Sorry but your author is obsessed with Love triangle 😂

Also this story will end soon   few chapters remain

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