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Authors pov

How are babies made?" she innocently asked.

Taha gulped hard with a burning desire.

She sat with her hair and front open, revealing her milky white skin, painted in his art, with pebbles of soft skin hanging out, caged between him and the slab.

She looked into his eyes for an answer, but he remained silent.

He easily saw the smooth rise and fall of her bare chest.

Is she trying to seduce him? Is she faking innocence? Is she aware of intimacy between husband and wife? Blunders of questions rose in his mind.

But his mind got out of questioning, hearing her voice.

"Taha...," she whispered.

"Hmm," he blinked his eyes three, four times.

"Tell me, how are babies made?" she requested innocently this time.

"Why...are you asking this suddenly?" he asked, curtly

She lowered her eyes and said, "Today, a woman came to our house, our neighbor. Her tummy is badly swollen." She looked at him and continued, "So out of curiosity, I asked her how she got pregnant, but she denied, saying I am too young to know this," she mumbled sadly.

Taha looked at her innocence.

"Then"?  he asked, caressing her jaw with his thumb, "Then I asked Taniya Aapi about it, but she said it's not her place to tell, so I asked you," she completed, looking into his blue ocean orbs.

"Seriously? You asked Taniya about it?" he sighed deeply.

She nodded innocently

He asked, now brushing her bruised lips, "You asked Taniya how babies are made?" She nodded twice.

"Don't ask these things to her; it's not her place to tell you all this," he said, putting his forehead on hers. His clothed thing came in contact with hers, and he groaned in frustration; she gasped feeling something poking her lower region.

"That woman is right. You are too young to know this. I will tell you when you get matured," he said, pushing himself more towards her forbidden place.

But she is a stubborn kid; she is determined to know this right now.

"No, I want to know right now. I am not that young; I am married now," she replied, shaking her head.

"You really wanna know?" he asked, pulling his forehead away, looking into her big green eyes. She nodded.

"I feel like an idiot, Taha. Married women carry children in them. So, I am also married; I want to know everything," she demanded.

Taha chuckled at her stupid reasons and then said, "Babies are made when a man and a woman make love," he said simply, now caressing her collarbone smeared in his mark.

"Means I am also pregnant? You also make love to me, But then why is my tummy not swollen like that lady?" she asked, caressing her bare stomach.

Taha gave up and made up his mind to tell her the procedure.

"Making love means..."he took a pause to find the right choice of words.

"When a man inserts himself, he presses his clothed thingy against her clothed flow.

She gasps, feeling hardness poking her in the most forbidden place.

"To their women's forbidden place and spread their love inside them, this is how babies are made." He completes, still pressed against her.

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