Chapter 12

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*Please leave respectful comments about Paige and Azzi, anything that goes too far I will be removing. This is all for fun and all fictional. I am not assuming or forcing anything*


"Azzi is that you?" a voice calls out as Paige and Azzi are walking to practice. Both girls turn around after hearing the curly-haired girl's name get called.

"Andrew?" Azzi says with a smile on her face as she sees one of her friends from high school going up to hug him "What are you doing here?" she asks him confused because last time she checked he doesn't go to school here.

"I'm visiting one of my friends Brayden for the week, you look great by the way" Andrew says looking Azzi up and down "You must be Paige, it's nice to meet you" Andrew says extending his arm out to shake Paige's hand, she shakes his hand back to be nice, but is a bit skeptical about the guy.

"Nice to meet you" Paige says back, even though she isn't sure if it's nice to meet him. She isn't sure why she has a bad feeling about this guy but she does. Maybe it's the fact that Andrew is looking at Azzi the same way she looks at her.

"I know you are probably busy with basketball but maybe we can hang while I'm here and catch up" Andrew says with hope in his eyes. Paige rolls her eyes at his desperate attempt to hang out with her girlfriend.

"Yea maybe, I'll have to see because we have a busy week ahead but I'll let you know" Azzi says

"Well we got to get going or we will be late for practice" Paige says wanting this interaction to be over with.

"Yea for sure, it was great seeing you again Azzi" Andrew says smiling

"You too" Azzi says before her and Paige turn around and keep walking to practice, Paige now not in a good mood, and Azzi can sense it.

"What's wrong?" Azzi asks the blonde

"Nothing" Paige says short and simple not wanting to start anything with Azzi.

"Paige, it doesn't seem like nothing" Azzi says stopping to grab her arm and turn her so they are facing each other.

"We'll talk about it later, we're going to be late" Paige says removing her arm out of Azzi's hold and continuing walking to practice. Azzi standing there confused about what got her in such a bad mood all of the sudden. It wasn't Andrew was it?

At practice Paige was pushing herself very hard, going at 150% the entire time, making shot after shot, sprinting as fast as she could during the cardio drills, and everything else in between. She wasn't talking to anyone the entire practice, just keeping to herself and working. The entire team noticed, even the coaches.

"What's up with her?" Caroline asked Azzi as the team stopped for a water break but Paige kept shooting not taking a break.

"I'm not sure, we ran into Andrew earlier and after that she's been like this" Azzi explains

"Andrew? Like high school Andrew?" Caroline asks remembering Azzi talk about him once before.

"Yea, apparently he's here visiting one of his friends for the week" Azzi tells her friend before Geno blows his whistle and they have to go back to practicing.

After practice both girls shower and Paige makes her way to Azzi's room because Azzi wants to talk to the blonde.

"What's up?" Paige asks sitting on the end of her girlfriends bed

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Azzi asks the blonde as she sits down next to her. Paige has an internal battle within herself deciding if it's even worth bringing up or if she's better off not knowing, but it's eating her up so she decides to ask anyway.

"Did anything ever happen between you and Andrew?" Paige asks looking at Azzi. Azzi was not expecting that question to come out of her mouth, the shock evident on her face.

"Uh yea, we kissed once-" Azzi starts but then Paige gets up, wanting to walk out of her room so she doesn't have to hear anymore, but Azzi grabs her arms and pulls her back "Wait, let me explain" Azzi says.

Paige stands there not saying anything so Azzi takes that as her queue to continue.

"Our friend groups sort of combined towards the end of high school, and we were all hanging out playing truth or dare and he got dared to kiss me, that's all it was" Azzi says as she looks at Paige who has an unreadable expression on her face, but Paige is furious on the inside.

"Did you, or do you like him?" Paige asks

"What, no. I swear. He liked me, that's why his friends dared him to kiss me, but I never liked him back, I've even rejected him twice" Azzi says, which makes Paige feel a bit better, but still furious his lips has touched Azzi's.

"There's no reason to be mad or jealous, I don't like him, I like you" Azzi adds, as she reaches to hold Paige's hand in hers, looking her in the eyes.

"I'm not mad at you, I trust you, but I don't trust him" Paige explains looking at Azzi making eye contact.

"I'm not going to do anything, and if he comes close to doing anything you'll be the first to know" Azzi says trying to reassure the blonde.

"Okay" Paige says. She's still mad about the whole thing but doesn't want to keep talking about it any longer

"Okay" Azzi says "He's only here for a week, don't worry" she adds walking closer to the blonde.

"It's going to be the longest week of my life" Paige says still looking at the girl. Azzi laughs softly at that, before leaning up to capture the blonde's lips on hers and hugging her, trying to provide some comfort to the blonde to ease her worries.

It was a couple days later, Paige hasn't seen Andrew again but Azzi did mention how she said she was going to get coffee with him today because he asked, and she wanted to be nice. Paige didn't make a big deal about it because she doesn't want to be seen as controlling, but she wasn't happy about it at all.

Paige and Nika just got out of class and Nika mentioned how she wanted to go get a coffee from the school cafe and Paige said she would join her, just for the chance Azzi and Andrew are there right now. She has full trust in Azzi, she has no reason not to trust her girlfriend, she just doesn't like Andrew and doesn't trust him.

They walk into the cafe and Paige immediately starts looking around for her girlfriend, a smile put on her face when she spots her in the back corner, however that smile is quickly wiped away when she sees Azzi smiling and laughing at something Andrew said, there's no way he's that funny she thinks.

The way they are sitting, Paige can see Andrew's face and can see just by the way he looks at Azzi that he still likes her, because she knows she looks just like him anytime her eyes land on her girlfriend or even when she thinks about her girlfriend.

She can't bare to watch them anymore so she's happy when Nika walks back over to her with her coffee in hand, ready to go.

"You got any plans before practice today?" Nika asks the blonde as they start walking back to their dorms

"I'm gonna go to the gym" Paige answers

"Why? We already have practice, why do you want to wear yourself out even more?" Nika asks, knowing something is going on with her best friend based on the way she's been acting the last couple of days but doesn't want to push.

"Just need to clear my head" Paige answers simply

"Well if you ever want to talk I'm always here for you P" Nika tells her

"I know Nik, thanks, I'll see you at practice" Paige says to the girl, using the nickname she came up with for her, before turning and walking towards the gym instead of back to the dorms like she originally was.


AN ~ Thought I would add some drama to spice it up a bit. Let me know what you think, I love reading your comments! Thanks for reading! :)

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