Chapter 3

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Yua sat, idly chewing bubble gum, her boredom evident. "I'm bored, Ayaka... Can't we just do another murder?" she suggested casually. Ayaka scowled in response, her tone incredulous. "Seriously, Yua? You're on the verge of getting caught by the police, and you want to do another one?" she scoffed. Yua sighed, relenting slightly. "Come on, Ayaka... Let's at least rob someone..." she proposed, but Ayaka only glared in reply. Their conversation paused as they heard voices outside their room, exchanging glances. "Shall we go greet our neighbors?" Yua suggested, a mischievous chuckle in her voice. Ayaka hesitated briefly before consenting. 


 Itsuki attempted to unlock a door, cautioning Asahi against breaking the handle. Their attention diverted as a few girls emerged from a nearby room. Yua greeted them casually, prompting a nervous response from Itsuki. "H-hi," he managed, offering a smile. Yua then asked them if they'll move to the room beside theirs. Itsuki nodded, affirming their intention to move into the indicated room. Yua introduced herself with a friendly smile, extending her hand for a handshake. "I'm Yua Hideki," she offered. Itsuki reciprocated, shaking her hand, a hint of nervousness in his demeanor. "I'm Itsuki," he replied. Yua asked what he does for living. "I'm a sp-' Itsuki stopped, catching himself before revealing too much, "Special doctor... yeah... Special Doctor," he hastily corrected, offering a nervous smile. Yua seemed intrigued. "Doctor? Wow, I always wanted to be a doctor, you know! Friends?" she proposed, to which Itsuki smiled warmly and agreed. Asahi's announcement of the door being opened interrupted their conversation. "Oh, well, see you later, girls!" Itsuki bid farewell with a wave before disappearing into the room.

Itsuki, momentarily distracted by the appearance of the neighboring girls, commented admiringly, "The neighbor girls look so pretty!" Asahi couldn't help but facepalm at his friend's diverted attention. "Itsuki... We've come for an investigation. Not for girls!" he reminded him, exasperated. Itsuki rolled his eyes in response before refocusing on the task at hand. "Well, what does the news say?" he inquired. Asahi switched on the TV, and a news report caught their attention. "The spy unit has come to Kyoto for the further investigation of the murder of Haruto Kimori. Police suspect that the crime has been done by a middle-aged girl," the reporter announced. Asahi swiftly changed the channel, seeking additional information. Another report mentioned the police's arrival in Kyoto for the investigation. Asahi turned off the TV, concluding, "Nothing much... Just them reporting our arrival." Itsuki pondered their next move. "Do they have the list of people he called before dying?" he queried. Asahi confirmed, "They do. They have the recordings as well." Itsuki decided to listen to them the next day. "Sure. Well, get some rest, Itsuki. You've done a lot today," Asahi advised, acknowledging the day's efforts before winding down for the night. 


Ayaka voiced her suspicions to Yua about the neighboring men, remarking on the old man's professional attire and wondering if they were somehow linked to the police. Yua waved off Ayaka's concerns, suggesting the old man might be a judge and noting that Itsuki didn't strike her as smart enough to be a cop, given his laid-back demeanor. Despite Yua's reassurance, Ayaka urged vigilance. "But keep an eye on them," she insisted. Yua nodded in agreement. "I will, I will," she assured, before her attention was diverted by a ringing phone. "Yes?" she answered, her tone shifting. On the other end was Chizuko, the Informer. "I'm Chizuko the Informer," came the introduction. Yua acknowledged her, "Yeah Chizuko, what happened?" Chizuko relayed her information, "The police have arrived to Kyoto for the investigation." Yua's response was brief, "Oh... And that's all?" Chizuko confirmed, "Yeah." Yua concluded the call with a quick "Well, thanks," before falling into a thoughtful silence, her gaze drifting into the empty space as she contemplated the news she had just received.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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