Chapter 2

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Yua's panic bursts out as she exclaims, "Wait seriously!? My whole body is seen on the T.V?! I've managed to remove every camera in the hotel!" Ayaka's frustration surfaces as she remarks, "What's wrong with you Yua? This is the 3rd time this month that you've made a mistake." Yua, filled with remorse, sighs and asks, "Did the police figure out about me?" Ayaka offers a bit of reassurance, saying, "You're safe for a while since only the back of your body was seen. They must have noticed our gang tattoo." Yua's anxiety peaks as she mutters, "Lord help me..." Ayaka's concern deepens as she questions, "Seriously what has gotten into you!?" Yua, with a mix of uncertainty and bravado, stares at her and responds, "I don't know! But I'm sure I'll not be caught." Ayaka, incredulous, probes further, "How can you be so sure?!" Yua, with a mysterious grin, laughs and says, "That's a secret for now."

Itsuki's excitement echoes as he exclaims, "Seriously!? We found camera footage?" Asahi confirms, "Yeah, Lucky us. We sent that to Loir so he can extract something about the lady's whereabouts or her identity. Though the camera was really blurred, we can make out a human form and the pink hair of that girl." Itsuki, visibly relieved, remarks, "That is such a relief! We found our next clue!" Asahi smiles, adding, "Now then, we need to go to Kyoto. The Head of the SPY Unit of Kyoto Branch will be tagging along with us." Itsuki agrees eagerly as they embark on their three-hour journey to Kyoto. Asahi scans their surroundings, murmuring, "She must be here somewhere...." Suddenly, a girl with a helmet halts in front of them on a bike, removing her helmet to reveal her beautiful black hair. Asahi recognizes her, exclaiming, "Hikaru!" Hikaru responds warmly, "Asahi-San!" Itsuki, captivated by her beauty, silently acknowledges her attractiveness. Asahi introduces Itsuki, who extends his hand for a shake, but Hikaru merely stares, prompting Itsuki to awkwardly retract his hand, introducing himself as Itsuki. Hikaru responds with a nonchalant "Hmm," prompting Itsuki to plead, "Don't be so cold!" Hikaru dismisses the tension, instructing, "Hop on, we'll be late."

Asahi contemplates the scene, expressing his frustration, "Looking at this place, I can't think of anything..." Itsuki, ever analytical, probes, "Haruto was sleeping on the couch before dying?" Asahi confirms, "Yes, and he was holding a cigar and watching the T.V." Itsuki queries further, "Where was he shot by the way?" Asahi replies, "On the temple of his forehead." Itsuki deduces, "The assassin must have approached from the back and I'm sure Haruto was sitting at that time." Asahi inquires, "Why?" Itsuki explains, "Look, the legs are on the floor but the body is not, because when someone is shot on the temple, the force makes them fall horizontally, that's why his upper body was slumped. And the assassin must have come from the back as the front door is right in front of his T.V and he must have noticed the door opening, and he could have gotten alerted and took a knife in defense or anything. But no secondary weapon was there. So I'm 99% sure that the assassin got there without the notice of Haruto." Asahi praises Itsuki's deduction, "You never fail to impress me Itsuki. You are justifying your position of being the Head of the Unit." 

After hours of investigation, as they return, Itsuki notices Hikaru's absence inside. He questions, "Why didn't Hikaru come inside?" Asahi explains, "Well you see, Haruto killed Hikaru's family. She didn't want to remember all of those by coming into this building of Haruto's." Itsuki, attempting to lighten the mood, jests, "Oh... That's sad. Maybe Hikaru is the one who killed Haruto," prompting laughter from Asahi, though it's followed by a sigh. Asahi, teasingly, questions Itsuki's maturity, asking, "Itsuki... How old are you?" Itsuki responds, "I'm... 28, why?" Asahi advises, "You need to get married soon, son." Itsuki, with a smile, replies, "We'll see about that. I'll be waiting for the one whom I actually love. In this generation, people don't take Love seriously. Not many value it. So it'll take me time to find that 'one'." Asahi jests, "But make sure she's beautiful!" Itsuki chuckles, responding, "Sure sure..."

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