PART - 8

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Shaurya gave a tour of the ground floor to all the kids. His house is huge but boring, nothing that could interest the kids their age but the way he showed entertained them. He made them understand in the language they enjoy, the play part.

"And finally this room, it's where boring meetings happen", Shaurya exclaims with a bored face making all the kids laugh.

"My mumma papa too say meetings are boring... But I like them... I want to wear the big suit like my papa and work on a laptop sitting in meetings", A little boy said

"Trust me, smart boy... You would ace the meetings..." Shaurya said with a smile and the little boy shied at the compliment, making Shaurya chuckle.

He interacted with the kids but saw Siya silent, the initial glee on her face disappeared now and instead, a dull face took its turn. He lifted her in his arms...

"What happened ? Why is Siya sad ?", he asked softly...

"It's a seclet(secret), I can't shale(share) it with you uncle... Siya bear only tells about it to mama bear", Siya said...

"Awe... She is such a cute baby", his P. A Shweta said, who was there to inform Shaurya about his schedule later in the evening... Shaurya slowly put Siya down and looked at her. She instantly looked down realizing her comment.

"Sorry sir", Shweta said, for her enthusiastic tone, it just slipped looking at how cute Siya looked with her pout and her words sounded even cuter that Shweta couldn't stop herself.

"It's fine Shweta...", Shaurya said in his soft tone...

"Sir your schedule", Shweta said showing him the file.

"Leave it there, I'll have a look at it once I am done hosting these little guests", Shaurya said the later sentence looking at the kids who giggled happily. They all liked Shaurya a lot and they also liked how he had those bulky men with guns around him and his house like it's shown in movies and how everyone listened to him and feared him. They felt as if Shaurya was the hero of a film.

"Okay sir", Shweta said and left from there after leaving the file.

"Okay... So coming back... I understand, but we are friends, so you can share with me, just like you share it with your mama bear", Shaurya said hopefully, waiting for the little girl to open up but Siya was stubborn, same like her mother in stubbornness but she is also polite, she knows how the stand her ground without being rude just like him.

"But when did we become fliends(friends) ?", she asked making him chuckle

"My bad, I haven't asked you yet... Will you be my friend Siya bear ?", Shaurya asked

"Don't call me Siya bear, only my mama bear can call me that", Siya said getting offended

"Sorry... I didn't know", Shaurya feared, what if the little girl got angry with him and never talked to him ? God, even the thought is scary for reasons unknown. "Um... So Siya... Will you be my friend please ?", Shaurya asked sitting on his knees. His staff led the other children to the hall next where they arranged some engagement activities for the kids along with some delicious food.

"Mumma says not to accept fliendship(friendship) from stangers(strangers)...", Siya said pouting sadly, she wanted to become his friend but she had to follow her mother's words as well.

"Oh! She is right... But I am not a stranger, you met me on the annual day, now you visited my home too", Shaurya said he loved conversing with Siya.

"Hm... Light(right), but mama bear says we shouldn't make flends(friends) landomly (randomly)... We should know them and then say fliends (friends)", Siya repeated whatever her mother said. Shaurya observed how the child looked very friendly but she also is very guarded, which astonished him, What's the need for her parents to guard the child so much?

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