PART - 4

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"Good Morning sir... You called me ?", Akansha asked entering the principal's room. She is surprised to see the correspondent and even the school directors there. She greeted everyone and settled in the vacant seat. 

"Akansha... Like you are aware, We have our school Annual day coming in the next month. Here are the budget details, After careful consideration, we have decided to make you head of the planning committee.", the principal said and the directors nodded their heads agreeing to him. 

"Thank you for trusting me with such a big responsibility sir, I'll do my best", Akansha said with a confident smile. 

"We know you do... But still, I want to caution you, take care of all the minute details, this year we mark the 75th Anniversary since the school was established, We are inviting many VIPs, We'll share the guest list once finalized", the Chairman said. 

"Sure sir, I'll take care of everything. I'll be back with suitable themes till tomorrow", she replies.

"Tomorrow is too soon, take this week and get back to us... We'll share the guest list by then...", one of the directors told not liking Akansha's confident replies, he was one of those chauvinistic men who liked to hear only soft tone from women. Not the confident or bold tone Akansha was displaying. 

Akansha didn't like the tone he used, he may be the director of the school she worked in but he didn't have the right to talk to her in that tone... No one has... She only allowed one man to use that dominating tone on her, the man he loved, Shaurya, but even he didn't use that when he spoke to her... Yes, he hated her, yes he was harsh to her, but never that chauvinistic or dominating or disrespectful tone and she could never stop admiring him for his composure when it came to women. Yes, he had hurt her badly and she hated him for it, but she couldn't stop herself from remembering his good traits, especially when she saw arrogant men who thought they ran the world, she couldn't stop herself from thinking how different he was from those men. 

"I'll get back with the themes by tomorrow sir... If you didn't like them, I could work something else", she said stressing 'Sir' so that he didn't feel insulted, but she would put her point straight. She wouldn't have given a timeline in the first place if she wasn't capable of finishing it by then, she would stick to her words no matter what and wouldn't let anyone walk over her crushing her confidence. 

"Okay, Akansha... Send us the themes on our group mail, We'll check and let you know", the chairman said, she gave him a polite smile, greeted them, and left from there. 

"What's the need to agree to her dad ? I was talking right ?", the arrogant director, Parth spoke, apparently he was the chairman's son, but he didn't even have the decency to respect his father at least in front of other directors and the principal. 

"The Chief Minister was attending an event in our school for the first time, I want the event to be the best and Akansha is the best fit to head the planning committee, only she could pull this event successfully. I don't want any mistakes in the event, so you stay away from this Parth", the chairman said and walked away from there angering his arrogant son. 

Parth too got up and stormed out angrily determined to prove his father wrong. 

At night, Akansha was working on themes, when Richa walked in with Siya in her arms, the little girl giggling at something Richa said... 

"good that you both finished your little walk on time, now get to bed...", Akansha said keeping her laptop aside and picked up the comb to tie her daughter's hair and prepare her for bed. 

"Mama bear, I want to play some more time with Licha Aunty", Siya said... Richa groaned at how the little girl pronounced her name... 

"Baby... you can just call me aunty, no need to say my name, I'm your only aunt", Richa said, for a second, Akansha remembered her sister, if only she was at least one percent as good and loving as Richa was... she would have introduced her to her daughter... Akansha sighed deeply to avoid thinking about her family. They didn't deserve to be present even in her thoughts. 

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