Chapter 10: The Games Ahead

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After the ceremony concluded, the girls made their way back to their respective houses at Hogwarts. As they settled into their Ravenclaw dormitory, they couldn't contain their curiosity about the global tournament, a concept entirely new to them.

Amelia: "Guys, I'm so curious about the global games and what they're going to be like."

Zela: "Me too. I've never heard of such a thing before."

Choi: "Count me in as well. It's intriguing, and I can't wait to see what it's all about."

Zela: "Hopefully, we'll hear more about it tomorrow."

Amelia: "Yeah, hopefully. But let's get some rest before we lose our minds over the new games ahead."

Choi: "You're right, Meli."

Zela: "Haha."

The girls then went to bed, their minds swirling with thoughts of the global tournament. Despite their curiosity, they were prepared to face any challenge ahead, hoping they would be chosen to represent Hogwarts among the other students. As they settled in, Zela was plagued by visions of the dark one, causing her to scream out in the night, waking her companions. Tears streamed down her face, but Amelia and Choi quickly came to her rescue, offering comforting hugs and reassurance.

Choi and Amelia then conjured a larger sleeping arrangement by merging their beds with Zela's, ensuring she felt safe and surrounded by their presence. As they drifted off to sleep once more, Zela knew she was not alone.

The night passed, and with the dawn came the return to classes. The girls, having readied themselves for the day, made their way to their classrooms, only to find them deserted. Following the other students, they entered the Great Hall and settled in with their housemates. As the room quieted, Headmaster Dumbledore approached the podium, accompanied by two unfamiliar faces, ready to unveil the details of the global tournament."

"Zela: This is so exciting, guys!

Choi: Absolutely, Zela. I can hardly contain my excitement!

Amelia: Tell me about it. I can't believe this is happening!

As the anticipation in the room reached its peak, Headmaster Dumbledore stepped forward, his authoritative voice commanding attention.

Headmaster Dumbledore: Today marks a momentous occasion, my dear students. We are about to embark on a journey unlike any other. I will now select students from each house to compete in the upcoming tournament.

With bated breath, the students listened intently as Dumbledore outlined the details of the tournament. Selected students would have the honor of representing Hogwarts at a prestigious Wizarding university, where they would compete against students from other schools in various magical challenges.

One by one, Dumbledore called out the names of the chosen students, spanning across all years and houses. Among them, to their astonishment and delight, were Zela, Choi, and Amelia. The girls exchanged looks of disbelief, their hearts pounding with excitement.

Headmaster Dumbledore: Congratulations to all the selected students! Please make preparations to depart for the Wizarding University immediately.

Eagerly, the chosen students gathered their belongings, hardly able to contain their excitement for the adventure ahead. Making their way to the courtyard, they were greeted by the sight of a magnificent magical flying bus waiting to transport them to their destination."

The students eagerly boarded the magnificent flying bus, joining Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall on an adventure to the Wizarding University. As they soared through the skies, anticipation gripped them. Zela, Choi, and Amelia couldn't contain their excitement as the University loomed closer. They marveled at the bustling scene below: people flew on brooms, wandered among ancient trees, and conversed with mythical creatures. The air crackled with magic and possibility.

Upon landing, the students were greeted by the vibrant atmosphere of the university grounds. They glimpsed students from far and wide, each contributing to the rich tapestry of the magical world. And amidst it all, the imposing presence of the Ministry of Magic added an aura of intrigue.

Choi's eyes lit up. "Guys, look! It's the Ministry of Magic!" Zela and Amelia gasped in awe. "Incredible!" Zela grinned eagerly. "I can already sense the thrill of the upcoming games!" Choi nodded, barely containing his excitement. "Absolutely! It still feels unreal that we're here!"

Amelia's voice trembled slightly. "Well, brace yourselves, because this is happening! I'm nervous, but I'm ready." Choi nodded, offering reassurance. "Meli, I'm with you all the way." Zela's determination shone through. "We've got this, together."

The air was electric with anticipation as the students disembarked from the bus, their hearts pounding with excitement. Beside them, the professors walked with an air of authority, leading the way into the University Auditorium. As they stepped inside, gasps of awe escaped their lips, for the auditorium was a sight to behold. Its walls seemed to whisper secrets of centuries past, while its ceiling sparkled with the promise of magic yet to come. The students couldn't help but marvel at the magnificence surrounding them, their voices rising in animated conversation about the beauty of their surroundings.

Taking their seats, they turned their attention to Head Master Dumbledore, who stood before them with a warm smile. His presence filled the room with a sense of calm and reassurance.

"Dumbledore: Students, how are you feeling?"

Their voices rang out with enthusiasm, echoing through the auditorium. "Good, Professor."

Dumbledore's words washed over them like a soothing balm, easing any lingering doubts or fears. "Excellent. I trust you're not feeling anxious. We're simply here to gather information about the upcoming games, and I have every confidence that each of you will emerge victorious."

Gratitude filled the room as the students expressed their appreciation. "Thank you, Professor."

Yet, amidst the excitement, impatience bubbled up within Nebula. "Why do we have to wait so long?"

Dumbledore's response was gentle but firm, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "We've only just arrived, Miss Lestrange. Patience is a virtue, my dear."

With a resigned nod, Nebula accepted his words. "I suppose you're right."

As they settled into their seats, a sense of anticipation hung in the air like a tangible force. Little did they know, their journey had only just begun, and the adventures that awaited them would surpass even their wildest dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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