Chapter 7: High-Flying Feud: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch Encounter

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Zela: I had meant to tell you both.

Choi: Some friend you are, keeping secrets.

Amelia: Choi, let's be understanding. We just reconciled with her. Let's listen.

Choi: Fair enough.

Zela: I'm sorry for not confiding in you earlier. With all the spellcraft lessons from Professor Douglas, I felt isolated. I truly regret it.

Choi: Zela, it's okay. I overreacted. My apologies. But do you even know how to fly?

Amelia: That's a valid question.

Zela: Thank you for understanding. Unfortunately, flying isn't my forte yet, but I'm a quick learner.

Choi: Oh, dear.

Zela: Don't worry. The silver lining is I haven't officially joined the Quidditch team. I'm auditioning, and you're welcome to join too.

Amelia: Thank goodness. But guys, there's something you should know.

Zela & Choi: What is it?

Amelia: I have a fear of heights! 'she exclaimed'

"Zela and Choi erupt in laughter"

Zela: Oh, that's too funny.

Choi: Tell me about it! 'laughs incessantly'

Amelia: Guys, it's not a joke.

Zela: You're right, Meli. Choi, let's focus.

Choi: Agreed! I've missed our trio. Come here for a hug.

Zela: Aw, I've missed this.

Amelia: Me too. 'joins the hug'

"The girls forgave Zela, and they ended their conversation with a warm embrace, reaffirming the unbreakable bond of their friendship. However, as they shared this moment of closeness, Choi and Amelia couldn't shake off the unease caused by Neo's hostility towards Zela. They pondered over the reasons behind his animosity, speculating that it might stem from Zela's frequent collaboration with his aunt. Zela assured her friends that she was clueless about Neo's attitude but speculated that it could be fueled by jealousy. The following day brought an unexpected surprise as all three girls were up early, a departure from their usual routine, especially for Choi, known as the early riser among them."

Choi: Alright, what's on both of your minds?

Zela & Amelia: Quidditch!

Choi: Well, rest assured, we'll manage just fine. And yes, Amelia, count us in for the audition.

Amelia: Ugh, fine. Let's just ignore my fear of heights, I suppose. playfully taps her head

Zela: You both really don't have to join just for my sake, honestly.

Choi: Zela, we're friends, and we stick together through thick and thin.

Amelia: Choi's got a point, Zela. We're a team, no matter what. Plus, none of us know how to fly, so it's a learning journey for all of us.

Choi: Oh, I'm quite adept at flying. How about I take the lead in teaching you both?

Zela: Of course, Choi, you're practically a flying expert! I'm definitely on board for your lessons.

Amelia: Count me in too!

Choi: Wonderful. We'll kick off our lessons this evening.

Zela & Amelia: Sounds good!

Choi: Before that, though, we must speak to the captain. But don't worry, lads, we'll emerge victorious, and Neo will learn his lesson. He might be the one tumbling off his broom this time.

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