Chapter 28

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Whitney's POV

"I'm not kidding Dr Keller we are letting you leave early under the promise you'll keep up on your meds and stay in bed rest for another week." Penny was in the process of scolding me because she knew damn well I was going to ignore doctor's orders.

They wanted to keep me another full week but I was dying of boredom. Not to mention they come in at all hours of the night to check on me so I'm not actually getting any sleep. Everyone has been fussing over me and coddling me and it was making me crazy.

"Penny, I promise I'll be good! I'm a doctor and I know what I have to do." Penny shot me a look that said she knew I was full of it.

"Doctors are the worst patients, you are no exception Whitney." Penny teased me and I knew she was right.

Between trying to get out of bed on my own and not wanting to take my pain meds I'd been kind of a pain in the ass. I'm self aware enough to admit that. But I felt like everyone thought I was going to break like I was made of glass. Sure the searing pain that made me want to vomit was not the most fun but I didn't like how the meds made me feel. They made me feel like I was out of control of my own body and vulnerable.

"Don't worry Penny, she will be following doctors orders." Declan spoke up entering the room from pulling the car around.

"You bring her right back if anything is off!" Penny fussed at us and Declan gave her a reassuring smile.

"Of course, she'll be back at the slightest sign of trouble." Declan confirmed with her making her relax some.

As we wheeled through the halls I took in the comforting scent of antiseptic cleaner and the familiar sounds of beeping. It was the most calm I'd felt in the past week. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about leaving the hospital and stepping into the outside world again. We hadn't discussed Jacob or what came of him or really anything from that day. Declan avoided it at all costs to help keep me from reliving it. When the nightmares started to creep in more vivid and violent than before they gave me sedatives to help, something I wouldn't have anymore of.

Once we made it through the glass doors at the front of the hospital the anxiety started to wander in. The sunlight washed over me in a warming sensation setting me at ease. The fresh air was a gentle reminder that I was lucky to be alive. Declan helped me into the car, careful not to cause any pain and buckled me in like a child.

"Let's go home." He gave me a reassuring smile and planted a tender kiss on the top of my head.

The car ride was quiet with only the radio playing lightly in the background. Declan never let go of his grip on my hand like if he did I'd disappear.


After the commotion of getting home and everyone saying hello and so many hugs I was finally settled into Declan's bed. Declan had left a maid to help me with anything I may need and strict instructions about staying in bed. He had meetings he had to attend to with various organizations, getting the business on the up and up was a more daunting task than I think he planned for.

"Dr Keller, time for your meds." Nina smiled making her way into the room.

"Thank you Nina but I'm okay right now I'm not in pain." I knew she was on pretty orders and even with things going legit nobody was going to defy Declan.

"Dr Keller you have to keep up on them Mr O'Ryan says-" I cut her off with a wave of the hand before she could remind me of all of Declan's rules.

"It was worth a try." I hummed while taking the pills from her outstretched hand.

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