Chapter 01

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Whitney's POV

My eyes opened and I found myself laying in a bed. Surrounded by white satin sheets and a heavy white duvet. The room was fairly plain with a small gray dresser in the corner and gray plush carpet with plain white walls. Sheer white curtains allowed the sunlight to seep in casting a warm golden ray on me as I lay in bed.

The past day and a half's events came flooding back to me. I felt panic rise up in me, the once feeling of calm and peace no longer lingering. I sat up in bed running my hands through my hair. I let out a frustrated groan. What the hell did I just get myself into.

A small knock came from the door and I felt the anxiety raise. I didn't know the hell that was awaiting me after showing up at this stranger's home looking like a mess and giving zero explanation.

"Come in." My voice was hoarse

The door clicked open revealing a tall man on the other side. He wasn't the guy from last night, slightly shorter with blonde hair and blue eyes tattoos also covering the parts of his skin I could see. He had strong features yet softer than the man from last night.

"Hello, you are going to have to come with me to speak to the boss." He gave me a small reassuring smile that definitely did not put me at ease.

I slid out of bed and found I was still dressed in the black legging and gray hoodie from yesterday. I was thankful for that.

"Okay." I walked to him holding the door open for me.

I followed the man through the hallways. The house was definitely different from the dark exterior. Inside was bright and airy.

"I'm Tommy by the way." He spoke looking over his shoulder at me

"Whitney." I couldn't think of any more words as my mind was too preoccupied on what fate awaited me.

We made it to the end of the long hall to a gray double door. Tommy knocked once and opened the door leading me into a large office space. White marble tile and white walls. Bookshelves on one full wall full of more books than I'd seen in a home office before. A large gray desk sat in front of a huge window. In the chair sat the man from last night. I took in his appearance much better this time. His ice blue eyes sent a shiver down my spine. His features were sharp with high cheekbones and beautiful skin. A small hoop in his nose, a silver chain tucked into the dress shirt.

"Please sit." He gestured to the seats in front of the desks. His voice was deep with the remnants of an Irish accent.

Tommy made his way behind the desk to stand behind the man. Their eyes watched my every move like I was under a microscope. I averted their gaze and I picked at my nails. He cleared his throat causing me to jump a little in my seat.

"I don't know who you are or who you work for but you have better have a very good explanation as to why you show up on my doorstep in the middle of the night." I watched as he pulled a gun from the waistband of his dress pants and set it on the desk with the barrel facing me.

I swallowed hard the only thing that could be heard in the room full of silence.

"Speak." His tone was chilling

"I-I-" he cut me off anger flashing in his face

"Give me one reason I shouldn't blow your brains out and fuck the hole in your skull." He stated standing up leaning over the desk with one hand on the gun and one planted down.

Tears started falling from my eyes and I pulled the letter from my back pocket. With a shaky hand I placed it down on the desk, he picked it up falling back into his chair and opening it. I watched as both him and Tommy read the words scribbled on the pages. I now wished when I left I took the rest of the letters with me.

Fall To Flames Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang