♡CHAPTER 12 {Party}♡

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Chapter 12: The Invitation to Celebration

As days turned into weeks, Haidar found his feelings for Noor growing deeper, though Noor remained uncertain and confused about her own feelings.

One evening, amidst a pleasant atmosphere, Haidar gathered everyone and announced with enthusiasm that there would be a grand party the next day to celebrate his remarkable success in business.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have exciting news! Tomorrow, we shall celebrate a significant milestone in my business journey with a grand party."

His eyes glimmered with excitement as he asked everyone to mark their presence, adding a touch of anticipation to the air.

Turning to Alex, Haidar instructed him to arrange special dresses for everyone, a gesture that brought smiles and excitement among the guests.

"That's fantastic news, boss! I'll make sure everything is arranged perfectly."

Noor, amidst the chatter and joy, caught Haidar's gaze as he approached her with a gentle smile.

Haidar approached Noor with a warm smile, "Noor, I hope you'll grace us with your presence tomorrow."

He asked her directly and sincerely to be present at the celebration tomorrow, his tone carrying a mix of hope and longing, sparking curiosity about what the evening would hold for both of them.

Noor hesitated,"I... I'll be there."



The next evening arrived, and anticipation buzzed in the air as Noor prepared for the party. Jenny, her ever-supportive confidante, brought her a stunning white gown that draped elegantly around her figure. As Noor slipped into the gown, she couldn't help but admire herself in the mirror.

Jenny's warm voice interrupted her reverie, "Oh my dear, you look absolutely stunning!"

Noor blushed at the compliment, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness building inside her.

"Thank you Jenny Aunty." She said.

Noor adjusting her gown nervously. "Do I look okay? I'm feeling a bit anxious."

Jenny smiling warmly "You look stunning, Noor! Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Ana came excitedly "I can't wait to be there! It's going to be so grand!"

With her heart racing, Noor joined Jenny and Ana in the parking area, where Alex awaited them in his car. As she stepped into view, Alex's eyes widened in appreciation.

"Wow, Noor! You look gorgeous," he exclaimed, his admiration evident in his gaze. Noor smiled shyly, thanking him for the compliment.

However, Alex's attention quickly shifted to Ana, who had also dressed up in a red gown woth a light makeup. And she was looking perfect. Alex mesmerized by her looks. He couldn't shake off his gaze.

Noor couldn't help but tease him, "Alex, are you going to drive us to the party or just keep staring at Ana?"

Her playful remark brought a laugh from Ana and Jenny, easing the tension that Noor had been feeling.

Regaining his composure, Alex turned to Noor with a charming smile.

"Yeah yeah Of course Madam, we're ready to go," he replied, Jenny offering her hand to help her into the car. Noor's nerves were still palpable; it had been months since she had gone out, and the thought of facing Haidar and his unpredictable behavior added to her apprehension.

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