Prologue (day 3&4)

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Day 3?-
I woke up in a flower field. The ground was soft and wet as if it had rained. The sun was rising, letting a bright light through the night sky. My memory was a bit fuzzy but I was able to comprehend what happened. I looked at my hands; they were healed as if nothing had happened. Was it just a nightmare? So many questions yet no answer. I put my worries aside, but just looking into the forest scared me. I decided to rest up before trying anything else.

As the soft breeze blew through my hair I felt at peace. I was calm, cool, and collected. Yet anxiety still seeps through. Before I knew it I found myself crying. How could I not cry after that traumatic experience? I was torn apart limb by limb and experienced great pain. It was terrifying. Just the thought of it filled me with agony. Tear after tear, the rain started once more. The more I cried, the harder the rain fell. The louder I cried, the louder the thunder became. The more I felt relief,  the sky started to open up. Until I found my peace. I was greeted by a rainbow. A beautiful one at that.

The shining sun brought back my hopes. I looked at myself through a large puddle caused by the rain. I found out my eyes were a nice shade of brown, my hair was a mess since I woke up after spending time on the muddy ground, and my dress was heavy due to the rain and mud. I decided to look around the flower field in search of a clean water source. I spent hours walking through what felt like a never-ending flower field. Eventually, my legs were full of cuts caused by sticks and thorny flowers. Finally, I found a nice full pond of water. I took off my clothing revealing my pale complexion. I examined this body of mine which belonged to a stranger. Long silky pink hair, and light brown eyes. A long slim body on the verge of starvation. I felt guilty for taking over someone else's body. But there’s nothing I could do about it. I walked into the pond. It wasn't too cold or too hot. It was a nice temperature. The water reached up to my breasts and then to my shoulders. I washed my body as best as possible and tried to wash off some of the blood. I relaxed my body and left my body to float on the water. The sun was setting soon. I got out and squeezed the water out of my hair. I washed my clothing and walked back to where I started. My clothes were dry by the time I had arrived. I looked up at the starry sky and then at the forest. I took a deep breath and picked a spot to lay down on. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

Day 4-

*growl* my stomach started to rumble more and more. It was still dark outside but I was too hungry to fall back asleep. I scouted out for food hoping I'd find something. I found a couple of berry bushes around the edge of the forest. They didn't taste the best but it was something. It didn't fill me much but I was satisfied. As I continued eating I heard a bit of rustling in the bush. A small pudgy bird. It fluttered around the bush revealing its light brown feathers as it tried to escape. It looked straight at me with its round black eyes. The way it stared at me felt so wrong. I felt a chill go down my spine. That's when it hit me… I took a step back….the bird. It looked exactly like the one I cared for before I died. I couldn't help but run away. I didn't want to die again and suffer unbearable pain. I remember screaming in agony, in terror that day. I ran deeper into the field I wanted to be anywhere but near that forest. Quickly, I realized I was running towards the forest. No matter which direction I headed in the field got smaller and smaller and the forest grew bigger and bigger. The trees were closing on me. Squishing me. making sure I couldn't escape.“NO!” I yelled out. I sat out and felt as if my heart was going to rip out of my chest. Just a dream? No. A nightmare. “Why me!” I cried out. “What did I do to this deserve this?!” I continued. The sun started rising and water started falling from the sky. As it was washing away my tears I yelled in anger.

I woke up again. I passed out in the morning and woke up at what seemed like high noon. A rainbow floated above me. Birds flew by singing songs together. I had a headache, I felt like I was going insane. I had nothing—no food, proper water source, home, friends, family, or anything to do. All I had was my will to survive. I decided to go back into the forest and create some sort of weapon for wood and maybe a couple of other things to make a fire for the cold nights. Looking into the forest gave me the chills but going near it made me feel even worse. But I had to do what was necessary to survive.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 09 ⏰

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