Prologue (day 1&2)

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Note: I write this on a google docs when im bored at school so its going to be very rushed also I write as I go so some stuff might not make sense or add up idk

The sky was a beautiful blue, and shades of peach disappeared from the horizon. The wind blew through the trees to the grass and into the flowers. What a beautiful sight. Only if this moment could last forever….

Prologue- Welcome to the Flower Field.

Day one-
I woke up to wondrous sounds of the birds chirping and flying in and out of trees. I stayed in place and looked up to the sky. Where was I? I was in the middle of a flower field filled with all sorts of flowers such as daisies, sunflowers, tulips, marigolds, lilies of the valley, roses, peonies, lilacs, orchids, buttercups, hyacinths, poppies, and so much more. Thousands of them surrounded me. Being around nature couldn't fill me with more joy—the silent sounds of the animals passing by and bunnies hopping around, it felt so peaceful. The trees moved side to side with a soft “swish” in each movement. Although I was lost I couldn't help but appreciate the surroundings.

I finally got up and was greeted by the sun smiling right at me. It was so bright but there wasn't much heat. I looked around and then realized I was somewhere very unfamiliar. Suddenly drowning in anxiety. “Where am I?” I cried out. Everything flashed before my eyes. But I couldn't process or remember what had happened. I looked at myself. I was dressed in a long white gown dragging on the dewy blades of grass with little white flowers decorating the bottom. The wind blew, lifting my dress and revealing my light pink hair. I didn't know whether I should be shocked or not by this unfamiliar appearance. Not only did I not know the place I was in, but also myself. It was as if I was in another body. But maybe that’s just how I feel. It.. just.. felt strange. But I didn't bother to question something I'll never get answers to.

As I gathered the courage to explore the area I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach only to end up hearing a roar coming out of it. Starving. I was starving for who knows how long. The sun was at its highest point of the day and shone brightly in my eyes. “I better get some food before the sun sets” I worried out. I walked around the edge of the flower field trying to look for food inside the forest but I couldn't see anything so I headed in. Before I knew it the sky started to turn back into its peachy form leading up to the night sky. I found some berries lying around but they didn't look edible. Everything I found wasn’t edible. It was either rotten, spoiled, bitten or taken away from me by a wild animal. I had no luck at all. I felt so terrible. I had no one that could help me. I was exhausted and who knows how far from the flower field. I decided to retrace my steps but it led me from one place to another. Each twist and turn just got me more lost. I gave up and sat on the root of a large tree. It was the most giant tree around. It moved gracefully with the wind and made lovely sounds that sang me to sleep. I was ready to give everything up and be sheltered by this tree. A lovely tree it is but I needed to find out what was wrong with me. I got up and used all my strength to walk back to the flower field, which was safer and not filled with wild animals. I walked and walked and walked and I saw it! The bright moonlight filled the flower field and guided me back to it. It was a marvelous sight! A marvelous sight it was! I had never seen anything like it. The dewy grass shone as bright as the moon and the fireflies danced around the flowers. Such a beautiful night. But before I could do anything everything went dark.

Day two-
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the animals running around. My head hurt a lot. I looked at the sky and saw that the sun was already shining at its climax. “Oh no! What shall I do? I have yet to find something to eat! My stomach won't handle this any longer and I'm oh so thirsty!” I cried out. I quickly noticed some wolves hunting for food and It only made me more hungry. “God, please help me out, There is nothing I can do to stop this feeling from arousing inside me” I cried out loudly. God? How was it that I could remember a higher being but not myself? Is something blocking my memories of myself but not anything else? I know how to speak, walk, and think. As if my existence had been erased but everything else was left alone. I was filled with confusion but my hunger was stronger.

I ran into the forest in search of food but I was lost in thought. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, my only goal was to find something to eat. I took my time looking for berries or other edible foods of sorts. Suddenly I heard some rustling in the bushes “Huh?” I responded in curiosity. Although I should’ve taken precautions I decided to sneak towards the source of the sound. I found a pack of birds huddled around the bush trying to help a smaller bird get unstuck from a branch. “Oh, a small little birdie!” I said in awe. I freed the bird from its shackles trying to avoid getting pecked. The bird curiously watched me move slightly tilting its head at each action. As I grabbed the bird something flashed in front of my eyes. Suddenly the bird was covered in blood and so were my hands. The flock flew away in terror while a few wolves walked towards me. I was in shock. There were no words that could describe how I felt. “Wolves? But I thought they were on the edge of the forest?” I looked down towards my hands watching them bleed out along with the birds. My hands had been bitten when the fangs pierced the bird in an attempt to steal it from my grasp. I felt as if I was going to vomit at the sight of blood splattered all over me which slowly sunk into the ground. Drops of rain started to fall from the sky. The little bird died in my hands. Its light brown feathers stopped fluttering and its soft pudgy body got colder by the second. It was a terrible sight. I couldn’t do anything but grieve. The rain suddenly got stronger and the trees danced with anxiety.

The growls approached closer and sounded more and more menacing with each step. I could hear the pack leader's growling become stronger. I cowered in fear. I didn't know what to do. Many thoughts raced through my head. I watched the blood flood away from the rain. I couldn't help but gag and cause vomit to fall over my hands to the ground. I felt nauseous. I couldn't think straight at all. I was filled with fear. As soon as I looked up, a mouth full of sharp teeth pounced at me. I braced myself resulting in being bitten on the arm and the rest of the pack came towards me to tear me apart limb by limb. My screams startled all the inhabitants of the forest. It was an unbearable pain. The ground was filled with my blood. My guts were being ripped out. I could no longer hear myself as the rain dominated any sound that came out of me. Blood splattered everywhere and wouldn't stop. The wolves took turns as they slowly got rid of and rearranged my guts. I tried to look away as I saw my other arm being torn apart and flung around. My body was full of cuts and bites. They started ripping out my legs. The blood poured out faster than the storm. My yells only got louder. My chest hurt so badly. I could feel my mind flowing away. My breath started to slow down.

Everything went silent.

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