Chapter 5 - Author's Notes (Part 4)

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Chapter 5 – Author's Notes (Part 4)

Does "human remembering" occur via "neuronal connection activation patterns" such as memory ""of an itch is a particular set of "neuronal connections activated in a particular order"" & of a scenario is "many particular sets in a particular order""?

Thus far, which current existing "AI model that has been interacted with" has the best "configuration towards "giving the most convincing "impression that the aforementioned AI model is "conscious and empathetic""""?

Which language has the most potential to be capable of the most morpheme matrices and does that make that language the most "versatile at being able to convey concepts"?

What Are Word Matrixes/Matrices? A word matrix shows written morphemes (affixes, roots, and bases) that can be combined to construct words.

Morphological matrix is a tool that can be used to develop new vocabulary. ...Various prefixes that can be combined with the base words to generate new words.

However, although morpheme matrices are of significance when it comes to "what can help a language be most "versatile at being able to convey concepts"", there are also other things/factors that are of significance when it comes to "what can help a language be most "versatile at being able to convey concepts"".

"Is "one's "loss of touch with reality" &/or "loss of grip on reality"" possible via" "something digital" &/or "computer technology"? Or "is "such loss" only possible via" solely "psychological factors" &/or "brain damage"?

Via solely "psychological factors" &/or "brain damage". I've never been informed of any other ways.

Is "a human's mind "turning or "merging with"" digital" ever going to be possible? If not, does that mean that "controlling a digital avatar/etc via" "Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)" is "as close as a human is able to get" to achieving that?

"A human's mind "turning or "merging with"" digital" is the same as ""a human's mind being ""converted into" or "merged with"" an existing digital form", which is not possible". I've never been informed of any "information that would prove otherwise".

Is a human's "blackout from alcohol" able to be (considered) psychosis? What difference(s) mainly make(s) them different?

Alcohol-related blackouts are gaps in one's memory for "whatever happened" while the aforementioned one was intoxicated. "Those gaps happen when one drinks enough alcohol to temporarily block the transfer of memories from short-term to long-term storage", which is known as "memory consolidation, which happens in the hippocampus of the aforementioned one's brain".

It is a reaction due to the poison in one's system and it is not "mental illness-related". Although, I would like to find out all the differences "between "it and psychosis"".

I've never encountered anyone/anything calling a "blackout from alcohol" "psychosis". I'm curious to find out more information regarding these two questions.

When referring to "crookedness on the clock", is such able to be referring to "those who did/do "illegal activity that were/was/are/is against "what those individuals' employee/credentials status was/is/were/are supposed to "abide by and/or uphold""""?

Yes. Many times throughout my life, I've heard the word "crooked" used as referring to "what is"/such described in the question.

Is "attempting/attempted deceit" able to be (considered) "deceitful", or must the victim actually "fall for the trickery" in order for the "attempted deceit" to actually be (considered) "deceitful"?

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