Part 1

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I woke up to hear Papa and uncle Kaan arguing. Again.

I stood up and walked to the door to hear what they were yapping on about this time.

'Listen to me Wakean,' shouted uncle Kaan, 'if we use scepter then not only will our way of living improve but our power of fire will be glorious! These are just basic facts!'

'You need to understand that the whole world will be at risk!' exclaimed Papa.

'Oh my word Wakean! You really believe that Rita will come back for it? The bloody witch was banished!'

'Kaan I think you should just forget about this, we will never use the scepter for selfish needs! I know you have a motive and I will not allow you to succeed!' said Papa.

All I know is that uncle Kaan was considered the black sheep in the family.

Papa and he are twins-but they don't look alike.

Papa was born before Uncle Kaan and that's why he was made king of the Favians.

Favians have a special power, just like everyone else. We produce and control fire. Our animal symbol is the dragon-they don't exist in the mortal world anymore.

There are four nations in the world, including the Favian nation.


They belong to the nation of water.

General personality?They are quite noble, swift and sometimes cunning.They usually keep to themselves.Quite welcoming...not all of them though.These people are seriously well mannered...its creepy!

You must be wondering "what can they do?"

They can control water-literally the water found anywhere even in a person's body!

Their symbol is a great white shark.

Steramans can breathe underwater.
They can also talk to marine life...apparently most fish don't like us!

They draw their greatest power from the moon.

They live south west of Do'Blostenata. Some colonies migrated to live in the islands of Lake Ranalta.


They are from the nation of plants.

These guys are oddly kind .They don't usually get mad but they do act a bit insane sometimes.They're quite open minded.

They are also oddly welcoming.

Ps Tamashans are also very smart...but also quite naïve.They can be a bit creepy too.These people can be convincing and a bit sly but not always.

They can control plants-like they can legit command them to do as they say!

Their animal symbols are two serpents, one black and the other one is white.

They are good tree whisperers and awesome gardeners.I don't know if this cool but Rita the witch was a Tamashan.

You can find them anywhere-in small groups but the largest group of them live in the north east of Do'Blostenata.


Theirs is the air nation.

Kuvians are known to be wise and really stern with their advice.They are fond of speaking their minds-they absolutely love speaking the truth...even if it hurts.

They are quite calm people, but sometimes they look at you with an expression that is NOT approachable.Kuvians are absolute geniuses!

They can control air-and yes I mean even the air inside people!

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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