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The mighty thunder roared throughout the mountains like a lion, in great agony. Thunder clashed across the sky as if a parade of drummers was taking place. The chilliness in the atmosphere was enough to make ones blood run cold. The trees danced to the daunting songs of the thunder.

King Manju struggled as he cut his way through the bushes, thorns broke of into his bruised skin as he went along.
He found an opening...a cave!

Brilliant blue crystals were scattered all over the dark murky walls of the cave.

Here at last, he thought.

He followed the trail of crystals that eventually lead to a pool-a pool that sparkled like a freshly cut diamond. Within the pool laid a small island. The island   had an altar on it, golden with the sign of peace and the four insignias of the world. Manju walked into the pool which was knee-deep and made his way to the altar.

He took the scepter from which he was holding and placed it upon the altar.  Immediately a huge swarm of gold dust burst around him and the storm calmed down.

‘Tell me Manju, you didn’t think I was going to let you go so easily did you?’a voice screeched.

‘Rita,’ said Manju, under his breath.

‘The one and only,’ she smirked.

Manju pulled out his sword. ‘It’s time for you to go back to  where you belong-hell!’

‘Ooh I’m so scared,’ Rita cackled, ‘give it up Manju your pathetic kingdom will be nothing but ruins once I’m done with you! And I-I will finally rule this world!’

‘Never!’ Manju jumped to her with his sword, aimed towards her heart.

Rita dodged his great attempt and shouted, ‘Jaar! Kane! Get him!’Two snake-like creatures lunged out from behind her and slithered towards Manju.

Manju sliced both their heads and in the corner of his eye he could see Rita, making her way to the scepter.
He leaped to the island and grabbed the scepter as quickly as possible.

King Manju pulled out a dagger from his pocket and speedily pierced Rita’s back. ‘NOOO!’ she bellowed.

Rita crouched down and screamed in pain.

He stepped back and called out to his spirit animal guide-Myra the Haya-griffen.

It appeared and stood beside him. It hesitated and took a few steps back.

King Manju turned around to find Rita back on her feet.


‘You’re just as pathetic as your kingdom! You thought that one tiny jab ought to do the trick huh?’ Rita’s hands molded into blades, her body grew twice as big and her face turned into that of a frightful beast.

The two battled for what seemed like forever until they could bear it no more.

‘Give up!’ ordered Rita, breathlessly.

‘I won’t let you succeed!’ Manju stood up, held the scepter up to the heavens and cried out, ‘I call out to my immortal fathers to remove your evilness and whatever belongs to you be banished from this world to an inescapable realm!’

The ground began to shake and crumble and crack.

Manju watched as Rita’s body disintegrated and disappeared into thin air.

He hopped onto Myra’s back and rode out of the cave as it began to collapse.

‘Let’s find a suitable hiding place for this scepter, Myra.’

They travelled the land of Do’Blostenata to Mount Fayeri-where he kept the scepter of peace safe and hidden.


This is a different narrative. The rest of the story is told from view points. 😝

Xoxoxo- AmeliaStarr

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