066 nostalgia

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In all its majesty, Hogwarts stood tall and proud. At the edge of the bridge, a group of aurors apparated onto the bricked path. Travers at the front as they formed an arrow behind him. Along with them was Leta, following her superior as she gazed up at the castle with unease, afraid of what the glorious school would remind her of. The sun glazed directly behind the tall towers, beams of light peeking through the empty space. Ariadne placed a hand above her eyes, blocking the light that threatened to blind her. A few paces in front of her stood Theseus, his head turning back to face her ever so often. Ariadne returned none of his glances as she stared up at the castle, watching as students poked their heads out the window, curious to know why the group filled with power stood outside their school.

The enormous grand doors opened smoothly as if they were beckoning the group inside, wanting to show them the splendour it held. Familiarity was all that Ariadne could feel within her bones. Every step she took made her feel younger and more alive. Every burden lifted itself from her shoulders and something sparked inside. A reminder that she wasn't fighting for herself, but for the youth who should have lived without the burden of an imposing war. And for a version of herself, that should have lived without the envy of blood purity.

As Travers led the group inside a classroom, McGonagall caught sight of them. The witch rushed ahead, meeting them head on as she tried to stop Travers. "This is a school. You've no right."

"I'm the Head of Magical Law Enforcement and I have the right to go wherever I please." His voice was silky smooth, showing no sign of emotion other than annoyance. Although, one could argue that this was just his nonchalant tone. At the sight of Travers, Dumbledore silently sighed, his shoulders rising and falling. Travers eyed his surroundings as they were wedged between two rows filled with students. "Out of here." No one moved an inch. Blinking, they turned to their teacher.

"Go with Professor McGonagall, please," Dumbledore echoed, a hint of smugness in his voice. The students served as a reminder that no amount of power gained any individual respect. Whispers immediately broke out, the children eyeing the group of Ministry officials wondering why on earth they were here?

Confidently walking towards Travers, one of them spoke from behind, "He's the best teacher we've got."

"Thanks, McClaggan," Dumbledore spoke without missing a beat. A hint of amusement hidden in his voice as he drilled holes into the floorboard.

"Get out."

"Come, McClaggan," McGonagall ushered, her arm outstretched as she made sure the classroom was emptied. The slam of the door echoed throughout the silence as the aurors circled Dumbledore. Ariadne stood directly opposite Theseus, her head down as she stared into the floor. Despite his situation, Dumbledore leaned lazily against his desk, his arms in his pockets.

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